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Ahri Build Guide by lesbianqueen

Middle burn queen ahriana grenade

Middle burn queen ahriana grenade

Updated on June 23, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lesbianqueen Build Guide By lesbianqueen 9 4 23,312 Views 1 Comments
9 4 23,312 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author lesbianqueen Ahri Build Guide By lesbianqueen Updated on June 23, 2024
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Runes: Aery Poke + Mana

1 2 3 4
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Biscuit Delivery
Magical Footwear

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

burn queen ahriana grenade

By lesbianqueen
Ahri's Strengths + Weaknesses

[*] Extremely Versatile; Is known as a "jack of all trades". Has everthing a mid laner needs (damage, mobility, sustain, cc, waveclear) and has no true counters. Can be built and played with a variety of different builds and playstyles.
[*] High kill/assist potential from E; The power of Ahri's charm alone makes her relevant even when behind and helpful to any team.
[*] Power spikes hard after first item
[*] Easy to learn, hard to master
[*] When used correctly, mobility makes her more forgiving than other mages. She can get away with overagressive or bad positioning that other mages would be punished for.
[*] Can always be used as a blind pick / first pick.
[*] Gorgeous and has lots of pretty skins. One of Riot's postergirls.

[*] Doesn't scale super well. Gets outscaled by alot of other mages (Although I would argue her scaling is alot better since her Q AP ratio got buffed to 100%. Also, building Liandry's on her, which has % Max Health damage, makes her scale alot better).
[*] Difficult to play into teams with alot of CC.
[*] If used poorly, high mobility can be a liability that can cause excessive deaths.
[*] Popularity means high pick/ban rate.
[*] "Jack of all trades, Master of none" Ahri isn't especially good at any one thing. Although she has no counters, she doesn't hard counter anyone else either.

Ahri is very well rounded and always good, and she pays for that by having poor scaling and no true specialty. In my experience, her best matchups are into champs that have low mobility and lack the CC to shut down Ahri (Ziggs, Corki, Vel'koz) and her worst ones are against mages who have high cc to shut her mobility down and high scaling to outscale her. (i.e. Lux, Veigar, Brand). She can also struggle with assassins who can match her mobility and punish her when she tries to run. Akshan and Sylas in particular are really rough.
Why Burn?
The idea of this build is a callback to the old mythic Liandry's. I believe burn is great on ahri because she has low cooldowns and multiple auto aim abilities than can easily reapply burn damage. This build lends itself to a more poke oriented playstyle, where Ahri can whittle enemies down from afar while using her movement speed to dodge enemy abilities and close in on low health targets. After completing 2nd and 3rd item, you can effortlessly apply crazy burn to enemies just by chasing them with your R and spamming W.
Early Game: Mostly just farm. Ahri isn't anything special pre 6. No shade but shade. Once you hit 6 you can play much more liberally. I generally like to sit in lane as much as possible unless there is a great roam opportunity or my opponent is on the move.

Mid Game: Ahri spikes hardest here and with this build the burn from Blackfire Torch will give you great waveclear and sustained damage. You are strong on your own but better with your team and you can play the role of long rage cc mage in teamfights very well.

Late Game: If you are ahead you can deck squishys and wear down tanks with this build. Your carry potential is high. If behind, play with your team and focus on landing clutch charms.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lesbianqueen
lesbianqueen Ahri Guide
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burn queen ahriana grenade

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