About This Team Comp
Ideally you want a three star Bard, if you can't get it, then 2 star should be okay. You want as many bruisers as possible. Level 8 is the ideal level to be for your team endgame. You can build a Kobuko early game to fill in, but you can switch him out for one of the higher cost bruisers like Galio or Sylas later. When you have Riven, Galio, and Sivir on the board for 3 Storyweaver, place your Kayle beside Bard with Talisman of Speed. Both Sivir and Kayle should be increasing your Bards attack speed. Doesn't really matter what side you place Kayle or Sivir, as long as they are both adjacent to Bard on the back row. The goal is for Bard to have tons of attack speed with a red buff and 2 Guinsoos while having at least 2 trickshot on the board, including Bard. This way Bards' meeps will bounce to another target. It's an ideal tank killer, plus when you go through enemy frontline, you'll have a crazy amount of attack speed to take out their backline. As far as items go for your other units, you can fill in with tank items for all your bruisers. Any augments you get should help you with getting more completed items or components. Other variation of tank items are fine on Galio, I added some alternate item comps for him in this guide. I find this build to be very fun. Meeps flying everywhere. Enjoy~
6 bruiser, 2 trickshot, 3 storyweaver for kayle

Bard Carry :)
Recommended Portals
Anvil Buffet
Artifact Anvil
Prismatic Party


Tahm Kench







Team Carries

Recommended Augments
Tier 1

Component Buffet

Buried Treasures I

Pumping Up I
Tier 2

Dragon's Spirit

Pumping Up II

Lucky Ricochet
Tier 3

Buried Treasures III

Impenetrable Bulwark

Pumping Up III
Stage 1

stage 2

stage 3

stage 4

stage 5+

Alternative item builds for galio
Try more item builds for yourself if you want
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