League of Legends (LoL) Question: Caitlyn ADC
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Caitlyn ADC
Ive been thinking about buying a adc champ,but im not sure which one is the best for beginners.
I recently reached lvl 30,which means i can play ranked.I played a game of ranked today,i failed misserably.Does anyone know a good ADC champ for beginners? I was thinking about caitlyn,but im not sure if thats a good fit whit leona.(i play whit a premade main leona supp)if anyone has advice about caitlyn,please comment.Thanks in advance!
(Sorry if my spelling is bad,im from belgium.)<3
I recently reached lvl 30,which means i can play ranked.I played a game of ranked today,i failed misserably.Does anyone know a good ADC champ for beginners? I was thinking about caitlyn,but im not sure if thats a good fit whit leona.(i play whit a premade main leona supp)if anyone has advice about caitlyn,please comment.Thanks in advance!
(Sorry if my spelling is bad,im from belgium.)<3
On a side note, I don't reccomend you play ranked yet, that will mess your winrates and it will be tough to climb once you get a better grasp at the game (I can tell you that by experience), but anyway just make sure to have fun!
I'm a pretty unreliable ADC player and Tristana is my go-to pick if I want to win. I usually dumpster lane if I have a good support matchup, even against actually good ADC players. It's just so much damage.
I wouldn't really recommend Caitlyn to a beginner personally. To play her properly you need really good fundamentals and some of her trap mechanics and combos are difficult to master. If you're concerned about winning (rather than just playing whatever champ you enjoy most), I'd go with something simpler like Trist.