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Caitlyn Build Guide by nintendhoe

ADC Caitlyn ADC

ADC Caitlyn ADC

Updated on June 7, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nintendhoe Build Guide By nintendhoe 19,542 Views 0 Comments
19,542 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author nintendhoe Caitlyn Build Guide By nintendhoe Updated on June 7, 2024
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Runes: IE Build

1 2
First Strike
Magical Footwear
Triple Tonic
Cosmic Insight

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Champion Build Guide

Caitlyn ADC

By nintendhoe
Move after every action, and don't stun yourself!!

Combo Summary:
    - Auto cancel Q, W, E
    - Q Flash ( casts from OG position)
    - E + (Q, W) (misdirect)
    - W + something else + EW (misdirect)
    - W + move + Auto
    - EW + Auto + Q + Auto

    - 2 stacks when in bush
    - Keep count of headshot counter
    - Headshot stronger at lvl 13 so trying to get to 13 as fast as possible
    - When you use Q, you are rooting yourself, so when you miss, you can be punished even more
    - Full damage to the first target, half damage to all targets behind, don't Q through minion wave to poke
    - Champions stuck in a trap will always take full damage, so Q first when they are in a trap, then headshot, to make sure you land a full combo.
    - Q flash, Q and immediately flash to where you want. The Q will be cast from where you were before the flash, confusing them.
Autocancel Q, since there is downtime between autos, you can auto and instantly cast an ability to cancel the auto
W (Trap)
    - Trap on ends of bushes
    - Traps on the edges of the terrain
    - The game causes you to path along convex angles but not concave angles. So, walls that are protruding. Put the traps in positions that they have to click around it not to get hit.
    - Depending on how much cc can be landed from your team, make sure to keep that same number of traps; don't just place them anywhere
    - Traps have empowered headshot as if gives bonus damage
E (Net)
    - Slows for 50% for 1s
    - Usually used to outplay, create space
    - Rarely netting forward, 14s cooldown; don't waste it
    - Net gives you a normal headshot (trap headshot does more
    - You can cast your other abilities during
    - Misdirecting is the main use of this strategy, especially with EQ combo; you e one target and q the other, and the way the q flies also confuses the targets
    - If they know you are going to hit e q, then you wait to see which way they move after the net lands because they get slowed (0.3s timing)
    - Net trap combo is high skill, trap in the middle of netting, skill cap is the moon
    - When your body is flying through the air, then you can trap, do it too quickly or slowly, and the trap will be placed at the end of the net animation; you want it during the animation (1/5th) of a second
    - Net trap at convex angles (sooo good for kiting)
    - W + pause (do something in between) + EW: To get as many traps down, you need to pause as there is a cooldown after placing a trap (1.5s?)
    - Always trap first when with teammates (from cc), and maybe in a random team fight, you can auto-cancel traps.
    - If you trap first, then auto, Caitlyn will be stuck in full auto wind-up animation, so to avoid this move right after you trap, don't trap and then stay in the same spot; then auto, YOU ARE SELF STUNNING!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author nintendhoe
nintendhoe Caitlyn Guide
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Caitlyn ADC

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