Buddy will bead you even if you are 1 item above. Sometimes even 2 :).
If you are below dia, you can honestly win by just being better tho.
Why is he a bad lizard?
1. with red rage bar, his w breaks your passive shield.
2. his e (two dashes) can dodge your e and your w healing cone.
3. his ult makes him juiced up like steriods while yours does nothing for 1v1 combat (a little extra magic damage)
4. You have nothing to dodge using your ult. You can dodge yone q3 or ult using your r even so its usefull there. Not here. only for gank setup
5. His items just spike faster and harder(eclipse is fun).
6. He stacks conq fast, and pta with 1 w.
What to do? spam jungler... you have better teamfight and gank setup, and scaling. Just the laning and game until 3-ish items is genuine pain.
Nasty boi. you win early lane but everything else is horror.
- you can e on his q pillar
- use r to dodge his r in lane
- in teamfightts just try to blow up the adc <3
- his w will stop your e cc
- your passive shield is more than his brittle damage
- standing near walls is iffy as he can e (ram into wall) you and stun.
- honestly you beat him side but barely
- harder to punish than other scaling tanks like mundo (who is actually very easy matchup) due to his shop passive thing.
god forbid you left this unbanned if you want to play camille smh.
buttt, if you find yourself in this satanic matchup, know this.
1. his e just stops you. no auto, q1, or q2.
2. any extended trade he wins even if you dodge one e as he just shor cd w which BONKS
3. his q will always be up to dodge your w
4. when you have e to engage, he will always have e to cuck you <3
5. his ult makes all your damage outside q2 useless due to the fat armour and mr he gets. his auto attacks also get mega buffed bby doing the magic damage every other auto instead of third
7. he scales. --> you never really win side either. he can also build alot of health which means your 80% true damage output means jak shit <3.
8. He frontlines and assasinates. You cannot really frontline.
9. know this, if a jax loses to camille without your jungle and mid and support perma camping him, he should (no toxicity) leave league for a few days or maybe find another game to play.
See this little *****?
she makes your teamfight useless <3
hes nado and ult will simply stop you from killing the adc and then you just sorta sit there thinking about your life while the entire enemy backline turns to you and blows you up for trying to breath.
you do oneshot her if you predict the r usage tho and you an oneshot adc if she dont have r / dodge the r with your r. just not reliable possible as they wait for your r to press r and nado you until you ult generally.
Delicious slimy boi.
he outsustains any poke you do.
any all in will be healed in 1 wave
his teamfight makes yours feel like you are inting (pathetic)
you do win side tho :)
hehe you are a champ that makes kassadin cry as your e ult is impossible for him to escape ensuring the mofo dies even with level 16 r. you are never laning v him tho so dw bout that stuff.
Yes the classic easy camille matchup.
you want to auto / q him before he does the q and SPIIINNNNNN combo as your passive shield will tank the whole q and some of the e generally.
note that his w does not affect your true damage.
he cannot run due to your: w slow, e to chase, and ult to pop that fat q2 or set up gank for jungle.
to ensure you win, remember:
- always poke him of cd with w to stop his passive heals.
- DO NOT DIE TO HIM or he will legit just steamroll you with 2 or more kills over you.
- late game he can go the high health route meaning your flat true damage kinda gets mitigated nad he becomes hard to 1v1 and win :/
Another famously easy maatchup for the cam. ****Know that he can run you down at 6 when you are even.
- the reason you win is becuase your damage is not tied to attack speed. His w is the 'trump card' making ranged champs and auto attackers cry, but you are neither so you're fine.
If you go ignite tp, which I suggest here, you cannot use e to engage unless you can get out without him pressing w, ghost and running you down or you can kill him. he wins any extended trade late, it is stack dependent tho. as a rule of thumb, he should have about 300 stacks or less at the 20 min mark assuming he is a good nasus and you are a good camille.
due to his skill expression it can be complicated but now especialy without LT, he is pretty easy.
- proc his passive shiel with w before fighting
- his e is free dashes with minions areound, he can and will dodge your e
- he spikes infintly harder than you with the two item 100 crit and his extended duels are better even with 1 item.
he also does not even have his w wall to use in this matchup <3
Skill. harder than his brother as he has more damage and cc. He can also do more special outplays than yas. You have to doge his r with your r, and bait out his e before using your e.
with 1 item, assuming you dodge his q2 r combo, he dies instantly.
Note: his w will make things hard, and if he is good, his spacing will make you cry and want to enjoy a comforting bath with a toaster.
Oh boy do I love this cow.
Imagine this:
you press e over the wall on the adc from outside of vision.
you press q and are holding for the q2. You press r to ensure the q2 blows up that sad caitlyn.
OH NO, a fat raging bull is headed you way and he just told you to f off and pushed you away. the entire backline now looks at you and laughs at you while you slowly wither away in decreasing self worth.
TL:DR? he makes your teamfight much much harder like janna <3
A classic counter pick. Honestly if you are really good, you can manage to go even and even go ahead. The issue is if you mess up even a little, this man presses the funny blue running man and absolutly DUNKS that axe and decimates you.
There is alot to know here, but generally dont e into him when he has e, use r to dodge a q of his, and never continue a fight if he has 3 bleed stacks unless you will kill.
Another easy peasy lemon sqeezy. She is better in late game teamfights, but if you play it right, forget getting that 16 powerspike, she's going to be gasping for air.
What to do:
1. practice using r on her r, you need to get the timing right or you will lose.
2. you just perma win any all in if you are even or ahead so long as it is pre-six or you do the first point after that.
3. pray she does not build this cancer hearsteel health build (you do flat true damage remember, in that case gg try to kill the adc lol).
4. she needs fleet to deal with your poke, and she has no real sustain as heer w costs 90 mana at rank one...
5. DO NOT die to a gank. like srsly. you better watch the map like a hawk becuase kayle scales my friend. skayleing.
It is a skill matchup, but fiora has the upper hand.
- e a bit to her side so that her parry will not stun you
- try to wait for her to use q before w poke as otherwise she will q into you and absolutly hammer you with that q aa e e combo.
- save e to get out when she presses r on you
- you lose side but you are much much much infinitly better in teamfights.
ew. gross champion. luckily, rito made his mana costs super high so you wont see him much. just know, he will ducking win any all in at any point in the game and you best believe he will delete you even 1 full item down. sorta like trundle.
I do say major just becase you have to be more carefull to not mess up but honestly its even.
his pillar can interupt your e so care.
if he press r, you get out.
same as olaf stuff: he wins any all in even if you are 1 item ahead. you have to be really ahead to beat him and he needs to have rushed like hydra or some item that gives no health.
Good lord. this man gains 1k shield mid-late game which will tank 1 full q2.... In case that was not clear, you will not beat him late game, but until then, enjoy slapping him.
his q hits harder than your dad's belt.
if he press r, u ded.
you do win early if you can dodge his e and q well. use your r to dodge his q in a fight. he does do more in teamfights sorta as he can ult priority target and he can frontline. just annoying cuz all of his items give him so much health which makes camille a literal bug.
Youll be fine if you are on your a game for sidestepping. If not, gg go next lol. Honestly its a minor difficulty as he builds eclipse and lethality now so the health issue is not there, but he is at times more usefull in teamfights. the sidelane is kinda weird as it depends on who gets the engage started. but you can win on side if you do things right.
use ult to dodge either q2 or q3. generally q3.
you can use e to get out of the w and then re-engage.
his e is super low cd so be carefull with using w for poke. also his q1 range is the same as your w (I believe).
any champ with good single target lockdown is a dream for both them and cam as camille can lock a single target down and they can follow up or vice verca.
any champ with good single target lockdown is a dream for both them and cam as camille can lock a single target down and they can follow up or vice verca.
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