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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Camille's Shield

Posted in Champions | Tags: Camille 7,523

  • GameTheory345

    Camille's Shield

    Camille's passive gives her a shield when she takes damage from an enemy champion, depending on the damage type. But, what if that champion deals both physical and magic damage, like Jax? Taking Jax as an example, does the shield become a magic shield on the third strike with his R's passive, or does it stay a physical shield?

    More clearly, does the shield depend on overall damage or the damage applied on hit?
  • Answers (2)

    Hamstertamer (74) | May 13, 2018 8:19am
    First off, Camille's shield activates when she autoattacks a champion, not when she takes damage.

    And whether it's a physical or magical shield depends on the total damage the target has dealt to other champions. So basically if they have a physical damage build you'll get a physical damage shield, same for magic damage.
    ninja8135 (6) | June 8, 2018 1:27pm
    It is also a predefined mechanic of the champion that certain champions will trigger a certain shield. When playing as her, a colored box (either orange or purple) appears by their health bar. This means you will get a physical (orange) or magic (purple) shield.
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