League of Legends (LoL) Question: Can Akali still jungle after her rework?
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Can Akali still jungle after her rework?
I like off-meta junglers and I used to play akali jungle too. It was okay because of her passive healing and her E.
So im wondering if it's still okay after her rework. I have seen a few videos, but with a variety of different play styles. AD and AP seem both viable, but I don't have that much experience with new akali yet, so I don't know what's better, or maybe hybrid.
Anyone who knows a good build path and rune setup?
So im wondering if it's still okay after her rework. I have seen a few videos, but with a variety of different play styles. AD and AP seem both viable, but I don't have that much experience with new akali yet, so I don't know what's better, or maybe hybrid.
Anyone who knows a good build path and rune setup?
Youre right about her passsive. I hope riot changes her passive so it also affects large monsters. It probably won't make her meta, but it would be doable.
Fizz jungle is something I am going to try soon. Haven't tried Camille yet but she seems fun to play.
Previous Akali was semi-viable as a jungler because her Q and E had short cooldowns and her passive worked on monsters.
If you like off-meta junglers, give
Yeah it sucks that her passive doesn't affect monsters. I hope Riot changes it a little so it also affects large monsters, maybe with a little cooldown so it doesn't get too busted.
Fizz jungle is actually a thing i was planning to try! The changes to his W seem really good.