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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Can I submit ideas and adjustments to Riot Games?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Fiddlesticks 7,074

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    Can I submit ideas and adjustments to Riot Games?

    If you can, could you possibly tell me where to go? I was wondering because fiddlesticks' power has been reduced ever since the runeglaive came aboard. I was thinking maybe rework his E a little bit to add on-hit effects to it on the first champion hit, or another alternative would be to have the regular AP enchant back, and just have runeglaive as a secondary jungle item, like Warrior, and Devourer. I feel like fiddlesticks was the thing that made jungling fun for me, and taking away the only role he could call dear just seems wrong to me...
  • Answers (1)

    OTGBionicArm (415) | October 15, 2015 5:33am
    Go to the League of legends website and navigate through their forums. Should be a feedback or suggestion thread.
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