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League of Legends (LoL) Question: can you dodge ezreals homing bolt or will it follow your target lets say if

Posted in Champions | Tags: Ezreal 2,716

  • lucasss420

    can you dodge ezreals homing bolt or will it follow your target lets say if

    is the homming bolt dodgeable
  • Answers (1)

    Fruxo (326) | June 13, 2021 4:03am
    Assuming you mean if he uses Essence Flux and then Arcane Shift in which case no you can't dodge it unless he uses his E from very far away to the point where the E damage isn't in range to hit you since the ability prioritizes targets that get hit by Essence Flux.

    Since otherwise he'd just need to use a Q or R to proc it, which would be trying to hit a skillshot.
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