League of Legends (LoL) Question: cassiopeia at bot lane
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cassiopeia at bot lane
has anyone tried to play cassiopeia at bot lane instead of an adc?
as i don't main her nor am i at a high level of play i don't know how vibiable it can become.
basicly here are some thoughts:
1. as an adc cass is a sustained damaged - low mobility - game changing ult
2. it's eazier to stack poison because some adc and support are not mobile like mid laners
3.there are some mid laners who focus on phycial damage, why not adc who focuses on magical dmg?
i've had some succuss with her but again i am not experinced enough to know how viable it is, if anyone can put some light on this subject i'll be grateful
as i don't main her nor am i at a high level of play i don't know how vibiable it can become.
basicly here are some thoughts:
1. as an adc cass is a sustained damaged - low mobility - game changing ult
2. it's eazier to stack poison because some adc and support are not mobile like mid laners
3.there are some mid laners who focus on phycial damage, why not adc who focuses on magical dmg?
i've had some succuss with her but again i am not experinced enough to know how viable it is, if anyone can put some light on this subject i'll be grateful
Thirdly, midlane is a short lane, guaranteedly close to blue buff - which Cassiopeia adores - and a place where she can ramp up on experience, since levels also greatly empower your Ability Power Carry's game: midlaners should always be 1-2 levels ahead of the rest of the team up until everyone is level 18, givem them much needed extra power before levels stabilize.
If you desire to take an AP (ability power) carry botlane instead of an AD carry, consider champions that have a strong early game, farm well, have CC (stuns/slows/etc) and a good power spike at level 6 (Ahri, Syndra, ziggs, maybe Azir, or a duo of utility + damage supports like lulu, morgana, karma, zyra and vel'koz). However, again I recommend the mages midlane (and some toplane) to ramp up in levels while your attack damage carry has his farm protected by a support.
I don't know how it would work now that cass got changed a lot. You would have to try it and see, and of course Soraka won't work because lack of mana sustain now (screw you rito, the one time it was useful). But other supports work.