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Runes: Best Page
+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Mosstomper Smite
Ability Order Always
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Of all the champs in the game did you think that Malzahar is the hardest champ in the game for you to deal with? I did not think so at first either but it is borderline impossible if the Malzahar has a connection to the game. This champ is worth a ban. His Q cancels your E and after that if you are caught he can CC you from range. He is also incredibly difficult to gank because he doesn't need to be near the wave to kill it. Smiting during E can get rid off his spell shield and you can stun him. That's if you can get to him through his Q, R and teammates.
Your greatest enemy is your biggest ally.
Your greatest enemy is your biggest ally.
Champion Build Guide

Things that allow you to refresh the rock holding duration...
Summons EX. Zyra plants,Malz w

Throwing Qupheaval to refresh passive and let the pet and passive kill the jg camp while you are walkign away is a big time saver.
Learn Q range. upheaval
If you hit something with Q

For example If Skarner and Zac E at eachother, Skarner can catch Zac out of the Air and cancel his E. If you cast E while Lee sin if flying at you with Q you will catch him almost always. He can also cancel Yone E retract with this ability.
When you use E on a target and stun them into the wall make sure you auto first before using other abilities, otherwise it will feel really clunky and youll cancel animations.



R > E is a better combo for lockig down one target for an extended period of time than E > R.
https://youtube.com/lolBlender I post gameplay here.
https://twitch.tv/lolBlender I stream on weekends.
https://www.deeplol.gg/strm/Blender My accounts.

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