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League of Legends Challenges

What is Challenges?

Challenges are achievements in League of Legends that are completely free and allows players to chase unique objectives in order to finish certain missions to be able to enhance their personal customization of their profiles with specific badges. All challenges are tracked within the Challenges tab in the League client, players earn Challenge points to progress a challenge by doing any number of tasks while playing the game.

Everytime you level up a challenge, you'll gain a particular token of that challenge. You can equip up to three tokens. Tokens are displayed on your profile and in the Lobby and the Loading Screen. They can be hovered over to see its associated challenge and tier. Titles are special names earned by leveling certain challenges to specific tiers, you can freely choose between any title you've unlocked in your profile. Titles are displayed on your profile as well as in the Lobby and Loading Screen.

Once you rank a token to Master tier, hovering it will also display a leaderboard that compares your progress to everyone else's on the same server. You can also hover your friends' tokens to see their challenge progress as well. To be on the Grandmaster or Challenger tier Leaderboard, you need to be in the top percentage of players for your server.

To reach Grandmaster, you must be in the top 25% of players who have also achieved Master and be above the Grandmaster threshold. To reach Challenger, you must be in the top 5% of players who have also achieved Master and be above the Challenger threshold. Ladders are recalculated every 24 hours.

After completing a set number of Challenges, you'll be able to level up your challenge badge that is used to show off on your profile. These badges are purely aesthetic and is your total combined amount of points you've gained from Challenges, with the first one given automatically at 0 points and the final one (Challenger) being given at 26500 points. These badges ranges from the original ranking system, starting from Iron towards the far left, then moving onto Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster and finally ending with Challenger.

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