League of Legends (LoL) Question: Champion Pool
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Champion Pool
Hi, I want to expand my champion pool but i don't know what champions should I add. I mostly play assasins but I'm interested in adding some mages. I play in the midlane and my most played champs are Katarina and Akali. Could you recommend me champions that are fun to play and also good in the meta?
when I look to try new champs , I like to search and see other people playing that champ. it will help you in figuring out if you like the playstyle this champ offers a little better. (im really not sure how to link a champ, so sorry about that lmao) but about recommending you champions , i would recommend ahri, syndra, diana , lux or zoe. i think ahri lux and zoe are fairly easy to learn. syndra as well. diana kinda remind me of more of an assasin gameplay- shes nice to learn as well. i would direct you to ekko as well - he doesnt count as mage in the sort by role category in league , but hes really fun as well
( sorry about any grammer mistakes! not a native speaker but trying my very best!) hope i helped a little. :)
As said by Prate_k, it's good practice to try and expand your pool including champions from other lanes. That would allow you to better understand your teammates and threats in other lanes. That said, you can do both by learning champions that can be flexed in different lanes.
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