League of Legends (LoL) Question: champion suggestion?
Posted in Champions | Tags:
Demonic Embrace
Dr. Mundo

champion suggestion?
hi i'm a new player , in lol and i'm looking for a champion to learn how to use it effectively that suits nice in my play style.
I really like the fight, the emotion of the trade in 1v1 and team fights, I like juggernauts like morde, mundo or aatrox .Even if they re not strong they can step in the middle in the fight and start punching for long periods of time.
In concrete i love building riftmaker morde because of his infinite sustain in
fights that allow you to fight them all one by one.
but the most of the juggernauts are too simple ( morde litteraly is press Q , win) so im looking for a champ with a lot of sustain and loooong extender fights but with more complexity than morde o mundo
with more complexity I mean skill expression or outplay capacity
(aatrox is reeeaaaaly nice but i dont use it to much because y feel like he is to edgy)
any suggestion is wolcome , have a nice day
sorry if my english is not correct it's not my native language
I really like the fight, the emotion of the trade in 1v1 and team fights, I like juggernauts like morde, mundo or aatrox .Even if they re not strong they can step in the middle in the fight and start punching for long periods of time.
In concrete i love building riftmaker morde because of his infinite sustain in
fights that allow you to fight them all one by one.
but the most of the juggernauts are too simple ( morde litteraly is press Q , win) so im looking for a champ with a lot of sustain and loooong extender fights but with more complexity than morde o mundo
with more complexity I mean skill expression or outplay capacity
(aatrox is reeeaaaaly nice but i dont use it to much because y feel like he is to edgy)
any suggestion is wolcome , have a nice day
sorry if my english is not correct it's not my native language
He's not really a juggernaut, more of a diver, so he has more mobility than juggernauts like
If you like to
Edit: Forgot to note that