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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Choose one Jungler S7 (Gragas, Olaf or Shaco)

Posted in Champions | Tags: Gragas Olaf Shaco 5,277

  • MateusVO

    Choose one Jungler S7 (Gragas, Olaf or Shaco)

    Choose One: Gragas, Olaf or Shaco??
  • Answers (3)

    orrvaa (41) | August 26, 2017 10:11pm
    if you look on the meta, for now its Gragas
    MateusVO | August 27, 2017 5:02pm
    thanks for help
    Mantar0ff (2) | September 3, 2017 4:57am
    Gragas no question about that.
    t4my | September 1, 2017 11:12am
    olaf is preety bad, only in few teamcomps playable, shaco is usless unless u 1trick him, gragas is really good atm and fits really well in meta
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