League of Legends Summoner Spell: Cleanse
Level: 6
Range: 0
Cooldown: 240
Level: 6
Range: 0
Cooldown: 240

Removes all disables (except Suppression and Airborne) and summoner spell debuffs affecting your champion and lowers the duration of incoming disables by 75% for 3 seconds (does not remove the healing reduction from Ignite).
Over all i only use cleanse on a few fast squishes with no hard escape as master yi and teemo. For when they get CC they just DIE. I like the ability but as most of you for it to replace your flash slot its had better be worth it.
1hp, you have ult for 1sec left and got ignited? Not way out? Just use Cleanese and it's K ;p
Cleanse can remuve WW or malzahar ulti?
It can't. I have revently tried to cleanse away from WW's suppress(malzahar's ult is suppress too) and when ww was doing his ult on me i couldn't use Cleanse. Database is wrong =(
It now only stops CC. Also exhaust, since there is a slow part in it.
Ive also seen a lot of Tanks and Supports use this.
I think of this as one of those Anti-Mordekaiser spells. 'Oh Ive got