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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Counter Elise

Posted in Champions 5,120

  • Jack of Cards

    Counter Elise

    What is a good top lane champion that counters Elise?
  • Answers (2)

    tehAsian (247) | August 5, 2013 6:56pm
    Wukong or Xin Zhao.

    She loses to people who can get in her face and outdamage her at levels 1-2.
    Embracing (353) | August 6, 2013 6:27am
    That's not really countering though.
    GrandmasterD (531) | August 6, 2013 6:17am
    Champions like Vladimir or Rumble deal with her early-game and beat her in the long run. Their pushing power eventually becomes impossible for Elise to manage.
    Embracing (353) | August 6, 2013 6:15am
    You don't need to kill someone to beat them in lane.

    When you EQ onto her she most likely will retaliate with an E + Q or W, but that doesn't change the fact that she just took massive amounts of harass.

    You can rinse repeat this when able to and eventually you can just all-in her. Having one disengage spell doesn't change anything.
    FalseoGod (316) | August 6, 2013 5:59am
    Don't get this. At level 2 she can already shrug both off of her. I get that wu can use his decoy to mess her up but what's zhao's excuse?
    Embracing (353) | August 5, 2013 11:47pm
    Correcto. Poke champs get screwed hard by all-in
    FalseoGod (316) | August 5, 2013 6:50pm
    1) Most counter resources are on;

    2) Most top Mobafire guides explain how to play a champ and what he/she is good against. Reversely, you can conclude what they're not good against. Elise is a poke heavy bully sort of a champion and she relies on poking without getting contested. Thus, champions with timely shields and good 1 vs 1 potential can do well against her. From amidst these, Mordekaiser would be the supreme example, although he's risky due to his pushing nature and laning Elise's natural kill potential due to cocoon;

    3) Elise also has bad farming with natural attacks. Thus, good sustained pushers will force her to go into spider form to cs effectively, giving these pushers - specially the melee ones - the chance to harass her more. Yorick is a good example of such champions;
    FalseoGod (316) | August 5, 2013 6:56pm
    What GMD said
    GrandmasterD (531) | August 5, 2013 6:52pm
    technically it's standard attacks.
    FalseoGod (316) | August 5, 2013 6:50pm
    *auto attacks, not "natural" attacks
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