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Briar Build Guide by BriarEnjoyerX

Top Crit Briar |14.3| Works for Top, Jg and Mid |MIGHT BE ****| Another BriarEnjoyerX classic

Top Crit Briar |14.3| Works for Top, Jg and Mid |MIGHT BE ****| Another BriarEnjoyerX classic

Updated on February 6, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BriarEnjoyerX Build Guide By BriarEnjoyerX 6 0 13,731 Views 3 Comments
6 0 13,731 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BriarEnjoyerX Briar Build Guide By BriarEnjoyerX Updated on February 6, 2024
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Runes: HoB + Coup de Grace

1 2
Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
Best spells for lane
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

Crit Briar |14.3| Works for Top, Jg and Mid |MIGHT BE ****| Another BriarEnjoyerX classic

By BriarEnjoyerX
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Why Crit Briar?

Although up to patch 13.19 Crit Briar was the most op, and in 13.19 the W2 was changed so it couldnt crit anymore, Crit Briar is still very viable. She deals insane damage and Navori constantly refreshes her cooldowns, allowing for W2 heal spam in fights, spamming her Q stun and spamming E disengages. This makes crit Briar stronger both in solo fights and teamfights.

Item explanation for Main Build

First of all

A lot of you might be wondering why I chose PTA as the main rune. This is because of the absolutely insane damage that happens during the Exposure time from PTA while crit striking.

The Collector

Is the first item you want to get, it gives you all the stats you want: AD, Lethality, Crit Chance and even a passive, Executing your enemies <5% hp. Also upon Crit Strike even with 1 item the crits deal enough damage to win almost any early 1v1.


GET Armor/MR boots and if u wanna be quirky get Atk Speed boots.

Navori's Quickblades

Is the second item and the main reason that this build is viable. It seems like a normal item, providing you with some AD and Crit Chance but the reason why this item is so good is the 2 passives:

UNIQUE Passive: Your attacks reduce your non-ultimate cooldowns by 12% of their remaining cooldown. (Auto-attacking with your W counts as well)

UNIQUE Passive: Your ability damage and proc damage dealt by abilities is increased by 0−20% (depending on critical strike chance).
Just an insane item.

Lord Dominik's Regards

Is the 3rd item that you want to get. This item just really gives this build the pure damage that it needs to function. Along with the Crit Chance and AD it also provides Armor Penetration and along with its passive to deal up to 15% bonus physical dmg based on the target's Max Hp make this the tank/bruiser shredder item that we all love/hate.

Blade of the Ruined King (BOTRK)

Is the 4th item. it gives you some useful stats like AD, ATK Speed and LifeSteal, but the main reason why i picked this item is the two useful passives:

UNIQUE Passive: Attacks apply an additional [12% for Melee | 9% for Ranged] enemy current health physical damage on-hit. (Lethality and Armor penetration from previous items increase this dmg)

UNIQUE Passive: Your first basic attack against an enemy champion slows them by 30% for 1 second (15 second cooldown).

These two passives provide even more damage to your W auto-attacks and also a slow for engaging/catching enemies.

Guardian Angel This item provides you with a bit of the resistances you were missing as well as a:
UNIQUE Passive: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% of your base health and 100% of your maximum mana after 4 seconds of stasis. (300 second cooldown).
Thank you for checking out this build
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BriarEnjoyerX
BriarEnjoyerX Briar Guide
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Crit Briar |14.3| Works for Top, Jg and Mid |MIGHT BE ****| Another BriarEnjoyerX classic

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