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League of Legends (LoL) Question: darius vs azir

Posted in Champions | Tags: Azir Darius 14,037

  • wisso911

    darius vs azir

    hi guys... i tried searching for a youtube video showing darius vs azir top since i had this match-up yesterday, and i can tell you honestly, it was hell, probably a good azir player but wth, I couldnt do ****, just watched him farm early game, anyways i would love to hear another point of view if someone played darius vs azir top. (FYI I kicked his *** late game)
  • Answers (4)

    FOKEN | October 15, 2014 12:16pm
    azir is paper = late game darius DUNKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK :)
    xXSir TibberzXx | October 5, 2014 3:11am
    I have Played Azir top against Darius, my teammates are Bi****** when I told them Im Solo Top

    but we won 30 mins later atleast :)
    it was a easy early game, but the action did not happen till mid game and I am poking everyone to death in late game, Though almost nobody(in my country atleast)likes Azir as Solo top or Bot Support, IDK why?

    Since Azir has the Range advantage against Darius, I can cut him off from farming successfully and instead he waited for enemy minions to go out of my soldier's range, although, Azir maybe be ganked easily without his back up Soldier and 1st and 3rd on CD.

    Be Conservative, your skills are able to Drain your mana if you just kept spamming skills, especially W.

    Once you have your first Main Item (For me Nashor's Tooth) and your R, you are ready to kiss Darius' A** goodbye and his Jungler if he showed up.

    Be sure to only use your R if Pinned down, escaping or setting a good kill for you or your jungler.

    Always save 1 soldier if not really needed, it will save your life from enemy junglers.

    And don't go all out early game, Azir is made to be a Mid to Late Game, if you do go all out early game, chances are your target will survive with only 200 below health left, so use ignite if you have.

    Also be careful, even though Darius cannot go near you to use his 3rd, some will still try, if that happens, chances are his jungler is very near.

    If(somehow) Darius managed to kick your a** mid game and is about to Dunk on you, slow him down with your 1st, do no use R.

    hope it helps
    Zethes | October 1, 2014 1:01pm
    If I know I am not going to do well against a top I just do my best to poke and keep them off my farm. The less cc they get, the easier your team can deal with them.
    Charlie10289 (1) | October 1, 2014 7:54pm
    ditto to this and adding to this. If you just poke him down to make him b then you can either A:push/Farm or B: gank mid. just be sure you dodge his pull
    mjskid (12) | October 1, 2014 8:46am
    good to hear you won late game
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