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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Dead Man's Plate

Dead Man's Plate
Total Price: 2900 | Recipe Price: 1100 | Sell Price: 2030

LoL Item: Dead Man's Plate
  • 45 Armor
  • 300 Health
  • 5% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive: While moving, build up to 40 bonus movement speed. Your next attack discharges built up movement speed to deal up to 40 (+100% base AD) bonus physical damage.

UNIQUE Passive: The strength of movement slowing effects on you is reduced by 25%.
  • 45 Armor
  • 300 Health
  • 5% Movement Speed

UNIQUE Passive: While moving, build up to 40 bonus movement speed. Your next attack discharges built up movement speed to deal up to 40 (+100% base AD) bonus physical damage.

UNIQUE Passive: The strength of movement slowing effects on you is reduced by 25%.

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LevenIce | July 1, 2016 2:49pm
Amazing item on every melee.
Dragonshea (1) | January 5, 2016 4:56am
IcyAuron wrote:

And Rammus and Hecarim wept with joy.

That is so true.
TheAsawasasa (1) | October 28, 2015 11:16am
IcyAuron wrote:

And Rammus and Hecarim wept with joy.

Renekton combined it with Titanic Hydra and Sterak's Gage and wept with joy more than the two of them combined.
IcyAuron (23) | August 15, 2015 9:45am
And Rammus and Hecarim wept with joy.
Ellie_cherry (1) | September 30, 2020 12:15pm
And Poppy jungle wept with joy
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