League of Legends (LoL) Question: Diana mid?
Posted in Champions

Diana mid?
I've really been thinking of playing her a bit more extensively, but I'm not sure about how well she fares in s4.
Build wise, zhonya>abyssal with a couple of rings good? What about nashors tooth? It seems really good but probably as a 4th item? Or should I just stick to a rabadons as a 4th main item and then round out the build with GA or something? My other two items would be void staff and boots, probably sorcs that I'll switch out for mercs later on.
Also, max Q or Shield first? Shield max seems really good if you're vs a ranged champ. You can just take harass all day and stay even in cs :3 Q max is kind of a standard thing, or at least it was a while ago so I'm not sure.
Thanks~ :3
Build wise, zhonya>abyssal with a couple of rings good? What about nashors tooth? It seems really good but probably as a 4th item? Or should I just stick to a rabadons as a 4th main item and then round out the build with GA or something? My other two items would be void staff and boots, probably sorcs that I'll switch out for mercs later on.
Also, max Q or Shield first? Shield max seems really good if you're vs a ranged champ. You can just take harass all day and stay even in cs :3 Q max is kind of a standard thing, or at least it was a while ago so I'm not sure.
Thanks~ :3
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