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Kayle Ability (LoL): Divine Ascent

Divine Ascent Kayle

Kayle Ability: Divine Ascent
Kayle's attacks rank up as she gains levels and spends ability points.

Level 1: Kayle's attacks grant 6% (+1% per 100 ability power) attack speed for 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. At max stacks, Kayle becomes Exalted, gaining 10% movement speed.

Level 6: Attack range is increased to 525.

Level 11: Attacks while Exalted launch fire waves that deal 15-35 (+25% of ability power) (+0.1 per bonus attack damage) magic damage.

Level 16: Kayle is permanently Exalted. Attack range is increased to 625.

Kayle's Abilities

Kayle Ability: Divine Ascent Kayle Ability: Divine Ascent Kayle Ability: Divine Ascent Kayle Ability: Divine Ascent
Divine Ascent is used by Kayle

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