League of Legends (LoL) Question: Do you think Fiddlesticks will receive a rework anytime soon?
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Do you think Fiddlesticks will receive a rework anytime soon?
So, Fiddlesticks is a monster and I'm pretty sure everyone knows it. While he and Warwick started off Season 5 as masters due to their sustain through the jungle, Fiddlesticks has become pretty useless. His main sources of damage require him, a squishy mage, to stand in a team and hopefully do enough before he dies. His W is useless because he has to stand still to do it, and there's no comp this season without disrupts and heavy CC. Riot doesn't even know what to do with him, if you play him jungle his recommended jungle item is Stalker's blade, just Stalker's Blade. No enchantment, nothing. What can be done with this champion to make him viable? Obviously his ultimate is pretty good but the time for it to channel can be disrupted and lost before a fight even starts at times.
Google is your best friend.
TBH his ult is one of the best parts of his kit. Sure, the channel is easy to cancel but the point is having vision control to do it without your enemies noticing (or burning flash), which means a lot of strategic play, and that's both unique and healthy gameplay. If he ever gets a rework his ult will probably have the same feel to it, with changes to his passive and maybe something small to his basic abilities, mainly his Q.