League of Legends (LoL) Question: Do You Think We're Gonna See Azir As Jungler?
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Do You Think We're Gonna See Azir As Jungler?
I haven't been able to play lol since he came out but I've been reading Mobafire Guides and info about him. so you people who've seen him in game, Do you think he can be a good jungler? I think he can do some nice Ganks with his combo but again I haven't seen him my self so I can't tell.
Note: Even items like Statikk Shiv or help from Braum (his hit them to slow/ freeze an enemy) do nothing if your are hitting with your soldiers to try and make these attacks work.
The reason for being midlane (which is his main role)because of his W range and can cut off Champs like Katarina and Akali from farming if combo'ed with 1st
Support because of your, again, W your Enemies cannot go near you and your ADR or whatever
plus your 1st can slow enemies down making it more easier for your lane partner to kill and your 3rd and ultimate can be very helpful for the team (especially for Yasuo)
AP Tank because your W, Q, E, R combo will be your Set or Clash starter and as a clash starter you need to be tanky, plus your 3rd's shield is based on your health. pretty important, and you may be tanky, but late game, your W will hurt like a AD with only an IE and Bloodthirster(damage only not Unique) build if you do this item Build
Doran's Ring, Ionia's Boots, ROA, Rylai's Crystal, Warmogs Armor, Thornmail
Then replace Dorans Ring with Frozen Heart or Banshee's Veil or Spirit visage
then you are good to go :D
didn't work out..
i was forced to use up all my healing pots before i could even get to battle the Red Lizard, my health is even 200 below after I killed the Blue Golem, and that was not a hard leash.
but if he was a Burst Champ and had sustain skills, he whould be a good jungler