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League of Legends (LoL) Question: does revitalize work with cho passive?

Posted in Runes | Tags: Cho'Gath 7,341

  • Remmehkube

    does revitalize work with cho passive?

    Hey guys,

    How does revitalize interact woth cho's passive?

    Couldnt find anything about it on google, I've read trough the lol wiki page made for Revitalize but I either just dont understand what I've just been reading or the answer to my question isnt there either.

    I was wondering/hoping that revilalize amplifies the healing I get from minions and was hoping someone on here tested it already =)
  • Answers (2)

    Silverman43 (85) | August 26, 2019 10:30am
    It does increase Carnivore's healing. I just tested it to be sure! :)
    Remmehkube (8) | August 26, 2019 4:27pm
    ty! <3
    Prate_k (24) | September 14, 2019 9:16am
    it's basically a mini Spirit Visage on the healing part
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