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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Doesen't Janna benefit anything at all with defensive stats?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Janna 3,388

  • Sawako3

    Doesen't Janna benefit anything at all with defensive stats?

    Which one is better to play; Defensive Janna, or Full scaling AP/CDR Janna?
  • Answers (2)

    Surprisemotha | September 26, 2014 4:35am
    you can either play defense or Ap

    but i prefer Ap (full Ap) why? because i tried using her 2nd skill (zypher) it damages ranging to 280 plus your current ap and when clash use your 1st Howling gale then be patient on 4th monsoon you would rather kill a combo of triple kill because of the magic damage of your monsoon
    Joxuu (336) | September 25, 2014 1:46pm
    Utility/CDR items are pretty standard. Mikaels crucible into locket with frost queen. Some go for small amounts of ap too. Full AP I wouldn't recommend tho.
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