About This Team Comp
With the help of economy Augments you want to push very aggressive towards Level 7 in Stage 3-5. You should be Level 9 in late Stage 4 or Stage 5-1 with this setup and roll down your gold for Legendaries. You mainly aim for this comp if you rolled down for Legendaries and managed to find Irelia and have suitable items for her, usually from a high economy spot or even a Fortune cashout.
Dragonlord Irelia

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

Stage 2

Needs to have winstreak and/or economy opener, preferably with Storyweaver
Stage 3

Push aggressive towards Level 7 in Stage 3-2 (if defending win streak) or 3-5. Run 5 Storyweavers and add upgraded units to play strongest board possible while maintaing high economy
Stage 4

Push for Level 8 in 4-2 and in a good setup you can push for Level 9 in either Stage 4-5 or 5-1. Once you reach Level 9 you can start looking for Legendaries and pivot your board.
Stage 5+

Should be Level 9 in Stage 5-1. Run additional items on Lee Sin or Wukong
Other Late Game Units

You are not limited to only specific legendaries, this board can run any upgraded Legendaries to help cap out your board in late game.
Dragonlord Emblem is helpful to reach 4 Dragonlord faster. Unless you have "Enter the Dragon" it doesn't matter who takes the Emblem
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