About This Team Comp
The core concept for all versions is usually based around having a strong early mid game and pushing Level 7 in early Stage 4. From here you have to make a decison on how to approach the game. You could stay Level 7 and roll for Tristana*3 and Volibear*3, but I would rather recommend rushing for Level 8 and focus on Lee Sin as your main carry instead. You can still find Tristana and Volibear later in the game, while Lee Sin and a potential Irelia will help you to stabilize in mid game.
Augments make a huge difference for the power level of this comp. Look for Extendend Duel, Duelist Crest/Crown, Keepers or Fine Vintage as your comp will perform perform much better if you have one of them.
Duelist Lee/Irelia

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

stage 2

If possible play 4 Duelist or a strong board in the early game, with early Volibear you can also run 3 Ink Shadow if your first Tattoo is useful
stage 3

Push for Level 6 in Stage 3-2. Depending on your Augments and items your priorities will change a lot. If you have a Duelist Emblem, give it to Diana and aim for 6 Duelist with 2 Sage. With no Emblem you can run 4 Duelist together with either Inkshadow, Sage or Heavenly.
stage 4

Rush for Level 8, itemize Lee Sin and look for Irelia to reach 8 Duelist. If you don't have Emblem you can run Sage or Dragnlord units with 6 Duelist.
stage 5+

Best case scenario is to have +1 to Duelist, find Irelia and roll for Volibear*3 and Tristana*3. If you can't find them, you can also push towards Level 9 and add Legendaries like Wukong/Rakan.
Alternative with FINE VINTAGE

There is also a special version involving the Augment Fine Vintage. You can transform all of your items into Support items like Locket + Aegis. You should always pick up Moonstone, as it's currently overpowered and one Eternal Flame for Antiheal. Lee and Irelia receive normal items and act as your main carry
Alternative Item Builds

You can skip Last Whisper if you find an early Irelia. Volibear can be build as full tank if you have a strong Tristana/Lee sin.

Diana is usually the preferred Duelist holder. Can also aim for Wukong/Rakan in late game if you find them or have a second Emblem
I just tried my own version of cocaine bear. You want to get 6 duelists, 6 porcelane and 2 arcanist units. Basically my comp was
Voli(porce emblem,blood sword and titan)
Trist (recommended crit build items)
Irelia (porcelaine, gunblade and IE)
Ashe (Whatever I could use, ideally put a duelist emblem is godlike luck)
Lee sin
You have no choice but to go for level 10 of course, but ideally if not you would have 6 porcelane with 4 duelists earlier. Level 9 if you have duelist emblem and 2 porce emblems