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Fiora Ability (LoL): Duelist's Dance

Duelist's Dance Fiora

Fiora Ability: Duelist's Dance
Fiora identifies the weak spots - or vitals - in the defenses of all enemy champions she comes close to. If she manages to attack her enemy's weak spot, Fiora deals 3% (+4% per 100 bonus attack damage) of the target's maximum health as bonus true damage for that attack while gaining 35-100 (at levels 1-18) health and 20 / 30 / 40 / 50% movement speed depending on your ultimate rank which decays over 1.75 seconds. Fiora reveals a new weak spot whenever she attacks one, or if 15 seconds pass without it being attacked.

Fiora's Abilities

Fiora Ability: Duelist's Dance Fiora Ability: Duelist's Dance Fiora Ability: Duelist's Dance Fiora Ability: Duelist's Dance
Duelist's Dance is used by Fiora

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