Ekko jungle?
Asked by SlayerGyu2123 on February 15, 2017
So I tried out ekko this week and find he is pretty fun to play. The problem is that I main jungle and I want to stick to jungle. I've seen people play him in jungle but is ekko good as jungle? And any recommended builds?
I haven't seen a ton of Ekko jungle but the few good ones I've played against usually go full damage. Pretty fun champion, hope you enjoy! :)
In the end, i think you must take it some compositions, like no mage in team, but it isnt the best jungler champion.
Ekko's tanky build potential has been nerfed and no longer viable, as full damage is much better if the player is decent. Full damage is a much better and more viable option as his ultimate can make up for his squishiness. I hope this answers your question
TLDR: Yes if you can land your w and use ultimate properly
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