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Recommended Items
Runes: Main Runes (Main Runeset)
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Ability Order
Z-Drive Resonance (PASSIVE)
Ekko Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Don't 1v1 her early you won't win unless she massively trolls. Be aware of her terrain scaling and invade paths similar to Graves and Nidalee. Try to contest marks but don't int for them. Sometimes you simply have to give them up because your team isn't in position to help you. You'll be able to defend your jungle solo from Kindred once you reach Rocketbelt or Nashors. Until then you likely will rely on your team to move and defend. You can also use her marks to your advantage. If for example a mark appears on your topside camps and you don't have top lane priority then you can look to take dragon. Trading a mark for an objective will always be worth.
Excellent roaming capabilities to help you with ganks and skirmishes. As well as giving you both free gold to reach your powerspikes faster. Pyke helps with the early game skirmishes that Ekko isn't too strong in so that we can scale smoothly into the mid and late game with 2+ items to carry.
Excellent roaming capabilities to help you with ganks and skirmishes. As well as giving you both free gold to reach your powerspikes faster. Pyke helps with the early game skirmishes that Ekko isn't too strong in so that we can scale smoothly into the mid and late game with 2+ items to carry.
Champion Build Guide
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I'm RichMrFork, I've been playing since season 9 where I mostly played normals trying to figure out which champions I liked since I had bad ranked anxiety. I started spamming ranked in season 10 playing Ekko jungle and I reached Platinum 3. Season 11 and 12 I ended in Diamond 3 and 2 respectively. Now in season 13 I reached Master tier.
Everything listed in this guide is my opinion! I'm not the greatest Ekko or jungle player alive. While I think I have a good amount of experience I understand I can be wrong and I may lack knowledge on a certain aspect of a Matchup or part of the game.

Dark Harvest Page
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Inspiration allows you to reach your

First Strike Page
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Dark Harvest![]() |
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Electrocute![]() |
I've tried

Hunter Runes
These are ordered in best to worst in my opinion. Left to Right.
1.Treasure Hunter![]() After the removal of ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2.Ingenious Hunter![]() Item Haste. This lowers the cooldown of actives and trinkets. This will ensure that you have your rocketbelt up for almost every fight when it's stacked. This also lowers the ![]() ![]() |
3.Relentless Hunter![]() Faster out of combat movespeed. Allows you to traverse the map faster, be in time for more counterganks and fights. With the removal of ravenous, this rune has only become more of an option and can let you be at almost every fight if you pair it with ![]() ![]() |
4.Ultimate Hunter![]() Ultimate haste. Pretty simple rune, the more you have ult up the more fights you can take with much less risk. More ultimates means more dives, objective steals or as before just being able to limit test more with the safety your ![]() |
All hunter runes are viable in different situations although they can all be taken in any game. Feel free to find which one fits your playstyle the best.
Pathing towards immobile champs or lanes that have no summoner spells like

Another alternate runeset if you prefer

Most compositions in Gold and below won't coordinate well enough to make them a cohesive threat. I think dodging in low elo actually worsens your ability to play into difficult games. If you don't know how to adjust your playstyle to different champions based on what your allies or enemies choose it hurts you in the long run. Moving on though, champions like

Z-Drive Resonance (Passive)

Your passive is the core of your damage. If you don't know how to use it well then you'll find yourself doing very little damage as well as much more limited mobility. The ability can be activated from any part of your kit except your

Timewinder (Q)

Extremely good wave-clear and zoning tool. Remember that this ability also provides a slow which is useful to proc passive, land a W stun or just setup your team. Try to land the second part of

Parallel Convergence (W)

Phase Dive (E)

Extremely strong mobility and dodging tool. Use this to dodge skillshots like

Chronobreak (R)

Insane playmaking and the main part of

In most situations playing Ekko the most common boot choices are

Lich Bane

With the buffs in 12.2 to give ability haste, increased AP ratio on the spellblade passive LichBane has come back into the light as a secondary item option. The burst works best against when your priority is to kill squishy targets. The movespeed can't be forgotten either as it allows you to rotate to skirmishes and gank more effectively. The movespeed can make the difference between being at a game-changing fight. Another underrated perk of

Zhonya's Hourglass

Although an extremely powerful item on almost all champions, Ekko is an exception.

Mejai's Soulstealer

Take if snowballing hard. Ekko can solo carry especially in lower elos if you have the items and right assassin/jungle fundamentals so limit test a little. If the enemy team has low amounts of CC and you're ahead I will buy this item even if my


Build this item if nobody else on your team will buy grievous wounds. Ekko doesn't apply grievous wounds very well and your grievous wounds equivalent late game will be one shotting the enemy before they can heal/lifesteal. Buy if you're behind and need to compliment your laners if they scale hard or are ahead. Do your best to avoid building this item though as it's almost never worth on Ekko. Another option is to just build the

Void Staff

If the enemy is stacking MR. So think

Banshee's Veil/Spirit Visage

Hyper Situational: Usually still better to go the normal full AP build
Your MR options when the enemy has a lot of magic damage or the only threat to you is a magic damage dealer.


Gives 100 AP and 200 HP once completed. This gives you quite a bit of extra HP as well as Magic penetration especially when up against shields. (EX:

Most games you want to start W for the stun on the first buff and

Two common dive angles to look for against low health laners. Be sure to sweep and stay out of vision until your W setup is ready.
Note: These aren't all the possible wallhops. These are just some of the more practical ones that can be used in game. Others are either so hard to pull off or you can just eyeball whether you can go over the wall or not.
Previously pro player, Arcsecond plays a good amount of Ekko jungle. He plays both in the midlane and jungle using a multitude of champions. You can catch him playing

Ekko The Neeko - Twitch
EUW Challenger Ekko jungle player. Known to try interesting builds like

HawHawNeverLucky - Twitch - YouTube - MobaFire Guide
Ekko mid player. Consistently challenger in EUW and also has another popular Ekko mobafire guide! Streams are on and off.
Maxske - Twitch - YouTube
Mainly an Ekko mid player but plays a bit of jungle. You can learn a lot of Ekko specific knowledge from watching. Hovers around D1-Master tier and has peaked Grandmaster.
Gio Monster - Twitch - YouTube
Another Ekko mid player. Streams a few times a month and is consistently around Grandmaster and Challenger.
EkkoLiner - Twitch -
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