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Ekko Build Guide by Coach Myga

Jungle Ekko Jungle Guide Season 14! Masters+ Ekko player - Coach Myga

Jungle Ekko Jungle Guide Season 14! Masters+ Ekko player - Coach Myga

Updated on June 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Coach Myga Build Guide By Coach Myga 10 5 56,461 Views 0 Comments
10 5 56,461 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Coach Myga Ekko Build Guide By Coach Myga Updated on June 19, 2024
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Runes: Standard Runes!

1 2
First Strike
Magical Footwear
Triple Tonic
Cosmic Insight

Sudden Impact
Treasure Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


Summoner Spells!
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Scorchclaw Smite

Scorchclaw Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Ekko Jungle Guide Season 14! Masters+ Ekko player - Coach Myga

By Coach Myga
Summoner Spells!
Hello guys, my name is Myga - I am League of Legends coach with multiple years coaching experience. I primarily play carry junglers like Graves, Kindred, Kha'Zix & Ekko. Over many years playing at Masters/Grand Master Level (S7 onwards), and also 1000's of smurfing/boosting games I think I have developed an edge with these champions that I can share with you. In this guide I hope to give you the very basics that will help you begin on your Graves improvement journey!

If you want to take your improvement to the next level, come join my coaching community where you will be surrounded by other players who are also positive & tryharding to improve. You will be able to submit your clips & Games for VOD Reviews where I will make you a custom VOD review video so that you know exactly what you need to do to improve!
- Ekko is a extremely strong champion when you get a lead. You have a lot of play making room to convert that lead into a win.
- Good ganks & CC for setting up ganks.
- Lots of surprising gank routes that can catch enemies off guard, especially in low ranks.
- AP jungler, helps avoid team comp issues.
- Fast tempo jungler. This allows for good 1v9ing.
- One of the best objective control/stealing Jungle champions. The ability to W over the wall constantly, applying pressure & getting vision alonside your Q+E+Smite combo dealing 2k-3k damage makes him very hard to do objectives versus.

- Currently slightly weaker than he needs to be, this only becomes an issue in higher ranks.
- Very high skill ceiling
- Need a large amount of game knowledge to pilot Ekko to his upper limits
- Need a lot of mechanics to pilot Ekko well.
- CC/Slow/Knockback champions can really punish Ekko's kit.
Pro's & Con's
If you want access to even more content that will help you improve at Graves & jungling as a whole you can follow me on other socials where I post exclusive content!

Thank you all for the support & I look forward to helping and coaching many new players learn League of Legends
My Socials!

Be aware you DO NOT need to purchase skins with Riot Games & This will not greatly improve your skills on Graves.

If you do use the S tier skins, these will make it harder to play in the future with the skins that are not as good. You will sometimes fail clean E movements.

Also if you are wanting to make a smurf account & have the best skin, you can buy the bundle deal "Jungle Starter Pack". This can be found in the League of Legends Client Store > Champions Tab > Bundles Tab.

This will give you extremely good value, for 650 RP you will get Graves, Crime City Graves, Vi, Neon Strike Vi, Lee Sin, Pool Party Lee Sin & a 14 day XP boost.

If you are hand leveling your smurf, you can do that faster with a 14 day XP boost & also purchasing a standalone XP boost for Wins.

If you want to skip the time & pain of handlevelling you can also buy accounts that even come with the skins you want! I recommend purchasing accounts here as they offer the highest quality botted & handlevelled accounts. I personally buy all of my handlevelled accounts Here! as I can trust they are highquality, not botted & I get the recovery information needed if I ever run into trouble or want to resell the account!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Coach Myga
Coach Myga Ekko Guide
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Ekko Jungle Guide Season 14! Masters+ Ekko player - Coach Myga

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