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Ekko Build Guide by OSG Rewynd

Middle Ekko Mid and Jungle Guide

Middle Ekko Mid and Jungle Guide

Updated on June 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author OSG Rewynd Build Guide By OSG Rewynd 100 12 358,120 Views 4 Comments
100 12 358,120 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author OSG Rewynd Ekko Build Guide By OSG Rewynd Updated on June 19, 2024
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Runes: Mid Main Page

1 2 3 4
Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Absolute Focus

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
Easy lane/50 50 matchup
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Ekko Mid and Jungle Guide

By OSG Rewynd
Who Am I
My name is Rewynd, and I've been an Ekko one trick since Season 10. my current peak was diamond 1 back in split one of season 13, and I am currently rank #32 Ekko in NA and rank 281 Ekko world. I have well over a million mastery points spread accross my accounts, and I am currently a diamond player. I stream live on Twitch at, and really love this champion, so I decided to put out a guide. Besides me having a lot of experience on Ekko in both jungle and mid lane, I have over a 60% Winrate on my main account, with an average KD of about 9/5.
Why Play Ekko
Ekko is a very fun champion who scales well, is bursty, fairly safe, and is very skill expressive. He's pretty easy to pick up, but has a very high skill ceiling which makes him feel very rewarding to play. He is generally really good at skirmishing and playmaking. Another positive to him is that there is more than one playstyle to him, leaving the way you play up to you. He can be played very aggressively, be very safe, or do a bit of both.
Scales Well
High Skill Cap
Bursty Assassin
Good Waveclear after 7
Hard to kill if he plays safe

Near-Guaranteed Death on CC
Low early damage
Very reliant on W stun in teamfights
Mostly weak until 2-3 Items
E1-Q-E2-AA The bread and butter combo. The only downside to this combo is that if you miss q, it will be very hard to proc passive

E1-W Doing this will cancel your W animation, making it more fluid and hiding the afterimage that throws the W.

E1-W-E2-Q-AA Nice trade pattern to get a shield for disengage or land a stun for a potential solo kill

Ekko's Bread-and-Butter combo is E1-Q-E2-AA. E1-Q-E2 Is considerably faster than E1-E2-Q. It makes your combo faster and gives you just a little bit more effective range at the downside of being a little less reliable in terms of landing Qs.

Ekko can animation cancel his Q and W with his E1 as long as he presses them about the same time with the E1 slightly before.

E1-Q-E2-Rocketbelt-AA This is the fast combo that is unlocked if you decide to build rocketbelt. It speeds up your combo by a lot allowing the enemy less time to react.

W-E1-Q-E2-Rocketbelt-AA Fast combo but starting with W

E1-Q-R-E2-Rocketbelt-AA Situational combo assuming you are hitting someone who is very close to you and standing in your ult range
General Tips
If Ekko does not level his R, the after-image will be hidden. This allows you to save your ult for when you need it, and surprise them with it. This trick forces the enemy to make a lot of mistakes, and can get you kills that normally would never happen.

You can E-Q-Flash and your Q will come out AFTER the flash allowing you to significantly extend the range. This same effect happens with Rocketbelt and stacks with flash to go even further: E-Q-Flash-Rocketbelt.

Ekko Afterimage shows up 4 seconds before his ult does. Do not get baited by this and if you are against an ekko, this means you have a 4 second window before it's back up.

Ekko with Lich Bane, Nashor's, and Deathcap can outsmite any jungler except Nunu and Cho'gath. W over the wall, throw Q, then E over to proc passive. You can also combo the drake, but it takes longer and is more likely to get you killed

W gives vision, so you can use it so you dont need to facecheck bushes.

The main differences between a good and bad Ekko are how they place their w, and how they use their ult. Both take time to master though, so don't be discouraged. Try to predict the enemy with your w, and worst case, you can at least get a shield. With ult, do not make bad plays that force you to instantly use it. Try to play around your w shield and passive to position your ult to get off the damage. If you play right and can bait the enemy to make a mistake, your ult has the potential to outright win a fight.
The notes for the threats sections have my general thoughts and tips for each matchup. If it isn't there, I either overlooked it, or it isn't too much of a worry. Generally, shove in melee matchups and play to trade when they use cooldowns. Into ranged matchups, do your best to survive and not get chunked out, and after first or second back, you can start to look for trades. The worst thing you can do into ranged matchups is get poked out hard early laning. In my experience, giving up some exp and gold early levels to survive in lane longer and get kills after the first few levels is better than wasting all your mana and hp very early. If you have TP, you can play for these early cs, and TP back when you get too low on resources. Early dorans ring goes a long way, and I get it every game now. If a ranged champ runs behind your minions level 1, E start can let you get a good trade and setup for a kill within the next couple minutes.
Laning Tips
Ekko Laning phase is weak, and he has a lot of difficult matchups, but if played properly, he can navigate through them to survive and scale.

You want to decide early whether you are going to shove in early, let them shove to you, or you want to Cheater recall. Into easy matchups, cheater recalls can set you up for insane snowballs. A cheater recall is when you slow push the first 2-3 minion waves and then hard shove the 3rd or 4th respectively and then reset. This will force your opponent to stay in lane with an item disadvantage or force them to reset and give up minions, exp, and wave control.

You want to play around your jungler, because mid lane is the jungler's support, so play your minion wave to match your jungler and try to match your jungler's reset timing. Do your best to be the first to fights, and try to set up your jungler. It is not his job to help you, its your job to help him.

The most important thing for Ekko in laning phase is to get to level 7/9 and be able to clear the casters with a single Q. Once you have gotten to this point, you are able to start perma-roaming without threat of losing out on CS. You can leave one or two minions to get there quicker.

When it comes to roaming, you need to identify your win condition, and play to it making sure to put all of your resources into it. If you have a fed botlane, look for dives, to counter enemy plays, and to further their lead.

As soon as you can, you want to get into a side lane to farm and look for picks. A very strong strategy while side laning is to stack up waves with a slow push, and look for a play elsewhere. You can keep whoever comes to catch the wave from moving to the play, and if noone catches it, they lose a lot of gold and experience.
Jungling Tips
Ekko has a really slow first clear compared to other junglers, so its honestly best to play a very aggressive level 3 and then start clearing once youve gotten an item component or two under your belt.

Always buy a dark seal on first reset. It is too gold efficient to ever give up.

You want to try and clear opposite of most matchups, and gank lanes who can set you up. Don't be afraid to gank. Your W gives you a very strong way to either force summs or get a guaranteed kill.

Generally, just try to path to either farm efficiently, counter gank, or get an uncontested gank. Play towards the winning side of the map, because ganking a behind lane is rarely a good idea. It will often lead you to getting double or triple killed, and will make the game much harder. If you have no winning lanes, farm your best and try to get good picks wherever possible. For solo Q, see who is performing poorly on the other team, and if they are on a loss streak especially, try to kill them on repeat. You can tilt that player very hard while getting fed at the same time and when through mental warfare.
How strong is Ekko in the meta
Ekko currently struggles pretty heavily in the current meta in my opinion. Lots of champs outburst him with more range and less risk. He is by no means unplayable, but takes much more skill to pull off at the moment than most of the popular picks.

Void staff is getting buffed in 14.12 and first strike is getting nerfed. While the first strike nerf is a little unfortunate for us, the buff to void staff is very welcome. We may just go back to the other rune pages once first strike is nerfed and then just be benefitting off the void staff buffs for free.
Tank Ekko
It's not good and it's never coming back. Stop wishing man.
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