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Recommended Items
Runes: Base - Ult CD
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Base
Z-Drive Resonance (PASSIVE)
Ekko Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Ekko is an AP assasin.
At least, he was ... until now.
Ekko's kit is usually for making him a silent, mobile killing machine.
His playstyle is usually straight forward.
He has purely AP scalings.
Buy AP - do lots of damage do Assasin stuff.
But one simple interaction, made me want to consider other, more fun playstyle.
The most interesting thing for me is the interaction, where you can recall and your ulti stays there for 5 seconds until it jumps to spawn.
So by using this interaction, you can basically fast buy, regen and abuse the timing to be as close to 5 seconds as possible.
This build is based on Ekko's ability to use his ult as teleport.
"Ekko will teleport 5s back in time"
It is not supposed to be high damage ekko, because one of his main abilities -R is used for sustain and constant pressence on lane.
Another point is, that no matter how bad the trade is, Ekko can always recall and return back to the lane by matter of seconds.
Thats why I want for this build to benefit from constant trading with e + q
For Top you can mainly stack Grasp with constant trading.
That's where my idea of Ekko with Hearthsteel came in.
Another Item I considered was Sundered Sky, but due to Ekko's low base DMG I don't really know if the choice is really worth it. But his constant trades could be worth it.
Another item in mind is Hullbreaker. It gives you the advantage of having higher resists with Cannon minion present, but more importantly it gives you a chance to push lot faster.
With teleport on hand and your ultimate being the ultimate teleport, your aim with Hullbreaker would be to use every moment you are near enemy turret to maximum.
Also with this Ekko build it will be handy in mid game, when you are going to split push with your two teleport kit grabing as much gold as possible from objectives because of the build not beeing particulary usefull xd.
I think Items that would make the most sense then would be Hullbreaker+Heartsteel as core.
Combined with Grasp it could make you pretty chonky.
Hullbreaker first would probably make you pretty dangerous and with it some of the bad trades could actually become pretty good combined with constant teleports back finally you could become a danger and potentially have a kill pressure.
At least, he was ... until now.
Ekko's kit is usually for making him a silent, mobile killing machine.
His playstyle is usually straight forward.
He has purely AP scalings.
Buy AP - do lots of damage do Assasin stuff.
But one simple interaction, made me want to consider other, more fun playstyle.
Ulltimate 5 second Window
So by using this interaction, you can basically fast buy, regen and abuse the timing to be as close to 5 seconds as possible.
Logic Behind The Build
This build is based on Ekko's ability to use his ult as teleport.
"Ekko will teleport 5s back in time"
It is not supposed to be high damage ekko, because one of his main abilities -R is used for sustain and constant pressence on lane.
Another point is, that no matter how bad the trade is, Ekko can always recall and return back to the lane by matter of seconds.
Thats why I want for this build to benefit from constant trading with e + q
For Top you can mainly stack Grasp with constant trading.
That's where my idea of Ekko with Hearthsteel came in.
Another Item I considered was Sundered Sky, but due to Ekko's low base DMG I don't really know if the choice is really worth it. But his constant trades could be worth it.
Another item in mind is Hullbreaker. It gives you the advantage of having higher resists with Cannon minion present, but more importantly it gives you a chance to push lot faster.
With teleport on hand and your ultimate being the ultimate teleport, your aim with Hullbreaker would be to use every moment you are near enemy turret to maximum.
Also with this Ekko build it will be handy in mid game, when you are going to split push with your two teleport kit grabing as much gold as possible from objectives because of the build not beeing particulary usefull xd.
I think Items that would make the most sense then would be Hullbreaker+Heartsteel as core.
Combined with Grasp it could make you pretty chonky.
Hullbreaker first would probably make you pretty dangerous and with it some of the bad trades could actually become pretty good combined with constant teleports back finally you could become a danger and potentially have a kill pressure.
So the basic logic behind this build is, to use ekko's ultimate 90% of the time just for free buy+regen and instant back to the lane method.
Combined with teleport, we now have 2 teleports.
We want to do lots of trades, even if they aren't favorable ones.
That's why I want to laverage quick "hit n run" tactic, that will provide us with as many bonuses as possible.
Also, if we have bad trades, we are always able to just recall and return with our ult or tp after lvl 6.
We can use this sustain to push as well, when we have the opportunity.
Because we use our ultimate to tp back to the line, we are loosing duel power.
That is why we are not even considering playing AP and rather we want to play around our constant anoying trades with E and build around that.
Also buying items like
Combined with teleport, we now have 2 teleports.
We want to do lots of trades, even if they aren't favorable ones.
That's why I want to laverage quick "hit n run" tactic, that will provide us with as many bonuses as possible.
Also, if we have bad trades, we are always able to just recall and return with our ult or tp after lvl 6.
We can use this sustain to push as well, when we have the opportunity.
Because we use our ultimate to tp back to the line, we are loosing duel power.
That is why we are not even considering playing AP and rather we want to play around our constant anoying trades with E and build around that.
Also buying items like

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