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League of Legends Reforged Rune: Electrocute


LoL Reforged Rune: Electrocute

Hitting a champion with 3 unique attacks or abilities within 3 seconds deals bonus adaptive damage.

Damage: 30−220 (+5% of ability power) (+0.1 per bonus attack damage)

Cooldown: 25-20 (based on level)

Rune Path
LoL Reforged Rune Path

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ShapeShifter | April 9, 2018 6:21pm
The language / math for the domination keystones indicates that electrocute is (+ 50% bonus AD) or (+ 30% AP) which is less rewarding for AD / AP heros while dark harvest (+ 25% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP)and predator (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 25% AP)both reward the mix of AD / AP. Is this correct or just a typo?
PsiGuard (1495) | April 9, 2018 7:39pm
Typo, it's both ratios. Fixed.
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