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Elise Build Guide by silverbacks

Elise Mid Grasp-Hearthsteel

Elise Mid Grasp-Hearthsteel

Updated on January 27, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author silverbacks Build Guide By silverbacks 2,284 Views 0 Comments
2,284 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author silverbacks Elise Build Guide By silverbacks Updated on January 27, 2024
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Runes: Hearthsteel-Riftmaker

1 2
Grasp of the Undying
Second Wind

Gathering Storm
Absolute Focus

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
Vs mages
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Elise Mid Grasp-Hearthsteel

By silverbacks
Which to build to choose
I play elise in lane in 2 different ways, one as a bully with grasp and i keep tagging autos very often, lots of raw hp, which for some reason is stupidly op with healing. For grasp, i do that vs zed, fizz, talon, malzahar, ekko, sylas, kat, and basically all assasins and bruisers.

The other one is with fleet footed, move speed is the best stat in the game if you are ahead and a must if the opponent has longer range and you must dodge flying stuff coming at you, the sustain and blocking damage from overheal is truly invaluable and often disregarded, but it often has double the impact of a damage rune

Remember to adapt your build based on the specific needs of the match, the enemy team composition, and your own playstyle. Additionally, keeping an eye on the patch notes and community discussions will help you stay informed about any changes that might affect Elise's itemization in the mid lane.

Also if you come from the jungle and playing it mid, the matchups are easier than it appears, there arent many big threats in the mid lane, a little less than top, the true enemy is the other jungler and their support who may roam, so keep a tight grip on map vision and locate the jungler and play safe but aggresive
Versus assasins with Grasp
Here is my youtube channel with a lot of 1v1 laning footage from lvl 1-10 but mostly the early levels and how you engage champions safely and have winning trades in general, hope you guys find it informative and fun to watch
Elise mid Versus Zed
Elise mid Versus Fizz
Elise mid Versus Akshan
Elise mid Versus Aurelion sol
Elise mid Versus Katarina
Elise mid Versus Kled

Elise mid Versus ekko
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League of Legends Build Guide Author silverbacks
silverbacks Elise Guide
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Elise Mid Grasp-Hearthsteel

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