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Elise Build Guide by NikMelon05

Middle Elise mid (work in progress)

Middle Elise mid (work in progress)

Updated on April 27, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NikMelon05 Build Guide By NikMelon05 4,095 Views 1 Comments
4,095 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NikMelon05 Elise Build Guide By NikMelon05 Updated on April 27, 2024
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Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

Elise mid (work in progress)

By NikMelon05
Elise is typically known for her prowess in the jungle, but her veratility allows her to thrive in the mid lane as well. With her combination of burst damage, crowd control and mobility, she can be a potent Assassin .


+ Strong burst damage potential
+ High mobility with Rappel
+ Excellent crowd control with her Cocoon
+ Can snowball games effectively with early kills
+ Natural sustain in spider form because of Spider Queen


- Somewhat reliant on hitting skillshots, especially her Cocoon
- Squishy and vulnerable to high burst damage
- Falls off in the late game compared to traditional mages
- Mana hungry early on if abilities are spammed
Team Composition

Elise fits well into team compositions that need early game pressure and pick potential. She synergizes especially well with vhampions who can follow up on her crowd control and burst damage, such as assassins or bruisers.
Summoner Spells
Flash serves as a versatile tool in League of Legends, functioning both as an escape and engage mechanism. It allows champions to quickly reposition themselves during critical moments, making it invaluable for both defensive maneuvers and aggressive plays.
Ignite amplifies a champion's kill pressure by dealing true damage over time to enemy champions. Its added benefit of applying Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of enemy healing, making it a potent choice against sustain-heavy compositions.

Rod of Ages
Sorcerer's Shoes
Lich Bane
Shadow Flame
Rabadons's Deathcap
Rift Maker

Passiv Spider Queen
Q Neurotoxin/ Venomous Bite
W Volatile Spiderling/ Skittering Frenzy
E Cocoon/ Rappel
R Spider Form
Early Game
  • Focus on farming early while looking for opportunities to land poke with Neurotoxin
  • Use Cocoon to set up Ganks or punish enemy mispositions
  • One hitting level 3, Elise gains her full combo potential and can look for all-ins, especially if the enemy is pushed up
Favorable matchups include immobile mages or assassins that she can burst down quickly
Difficult matchups include champions with strong wave clear and poke, such as Xerath or ziggs
Team Fights
Looks for picks with Cocoon to initate fights
Dive onto priority targets with Rappel and burst them down with your combo
Late Game
Transition into more of a pick-oriented playstyle, looking for catches before big objectives
Avoid getting caught out yourself, as Elise's effectiveness disminishes in extended team fights
Coordinate with your team to capitalize on picks and secure objectives
Elise mid offers a unique blend of burst damage, crowd controll, and mobility, making her a versatile pick for teams looking to dominate the early game and secure advantages through picks and skirmiches. Mastering her skillshots and understanding her power spikes are crucial for finding success in the mid lane.
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