League of Legends (LoL) Question: Elise Runes
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Elise Runes
What's better on elise jungle magic pen or hybrid pen red marks for runes?I personally believe magic pen because most of her abilities scale of it and taking move speed quints instead of hybrid to complete both mag and armor pen is better
Hybrid pen is better than magic because
If you take both red and quints hybrid you lose around 5.5 Mpen but gain 14.5 Arpen. But you would not choose this every time.
For further clarification. Spiderlings scale off AP but deal AD damage. Jungle Mobs have armor but no MR. So hybrid gives you faster jungle clear and and better sustain, not that you really need it but it can really boost you up and get you back into the fight faster if you are low health.
Mpen scales well but IMO double hybrid is pretty sweet for clearing the jungle.