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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Elise Runes

Posted in Runes | Tags: Elise 5,302

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    Elise Runes

    What's better on elise jungle magic pen or hybrid pen red marks for runes?I personally believe magic pen because most of her abilities scale of it and taking move speed quints instead of hybrid to complete both mag and armor pen is better
  • Answers (5)

    PsiGuard (1495) | January 11, 2014 1:14pm
    Hybrid pen marks, armor seals, MR or MR/lvl glyphs, hybrid pen or movement speed quintessences.

    Hybrid pen is better than magic because Skittering Frenzy is a massive attack speed steroid. I also start Doran's Blade since you lose very little health on your first clear if you let your spiders tank damage properly.
    EvilMonkey7 (4) | March 6, 2014 8:52pm
    Attack speed is not a good choice as your spiderlings do not scale off of it. Hybrid is a very good choice as your Spiderlings scale off it. So late game they scale very well. Spiderlings do not scale off Mpen.

    If you take both red and quints hybrid you lose around 5.5 Mpen but gain 14.5 Arpen. But you would not choose this every time.

    For further clarification. Spiderlings scale off AP but deal AD damage. Jungle Mobs have armor but no MR. So hybrid gives you faster jungle clear and and better sustain, not that you really need it but it can really boost you up and get you back into the fight faster if you are low health.

    Mpen scales well but IMO double hybrid is pretty sweet for clearing the jungle.
    Fousek (4) | January 17, 2014 6:24am
    Hybrid Pen or Attack speed. I like to use that attack speed for clearing and pushing towers.(Like Oddone) Quints are personal choice too: Flat AP or Hybrid Pen. I don´t think you would need movement speed since you have 2 gap closers amd passive speed in spider form.
    DoomGlad (21) | January 15, 2014 4:27pm
    I'm pretty sure saintvicious runs greater mark of hybrid penetration, Greater Seal of Armor, Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist, and Greater Quintessence of Armor.
    Janitsu (569) | January 11, 2014 1:16pm
    I, and most of the pros according to run Greater Mark of Magic Penetration. But either is really fine because you in jungle you DO autoattack and you won't lose that much magic penetration. It's probably more of an personal preference.

    And Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed is fine.
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