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Recommended Items
Runes: Phaserush
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Hello there, my name is Poliko and I've been maining
Anivia since season 3. I've reached my first challenger
in season 6 on eune server, rank15 eune in season 7 and then euw challenger in season 8 and peaked in season12 1229lp rank51 euw always with Anivia as my most played champion.
After all these years I still love playing this champion and in this simple guide I want to share how I use Anivia to win games.
I also stream almost every day on Twitch so check it out if you have any Anivia related questions or just want to watch top tier Anivia gameplay!

in season 6 on eune server, rank15 eune in season 7 and then euw challenger in season 8 and peaked in season12 1229lp rank51 euw always with Anivia as my most played champion.
After all these years I still love playing this champion and in this simple guide I want to share how I use Anivia to win games.
I also stream almost every day on Twitch so check it out if you have any Anivia related questions or just want to watch top tier Anivia gameplay!

s13 Mythic
Currently ROA is the best mythic for Anivia with Everfrost being strong option for some games. Liandry might seem like a good item but it just makes Anivia insanely squishy what forces u to play/position too safe and you're not able to get your abilities in and pretty much end up dealing less damage than with ROA/Everfrost while being super easy to punish for every mistake u make.
My default mythic option right now is Rod of Ages and i opt for Everfrost when enemy doesn't have much poke or has a lot of short range champions, then Everfrost+Zhonya often becomes very strong core build.
I never consider buying liandry/ludens/crown it's pretty much just RoA/Everforst every game.
My default mythic option right now is Rod of Ages and i opt for Everfrost when enemy doesn't have much poke or has a lot of short range champions, then Everfrost+Zhonya often becomes very strong core build.
I never consider buying liandry/ludens/crown it's pretty much just RoA/Everforst every game.
Currently I use phaserush runepage displayed at the top of the guide every single game and I never use electrocute.
Electrocute page is still great and could be used for every game it just has a different playstyle.
I copied this phaserush runepage from another challenger Anivia OTP Berkan and I really enjoy the skill expression and outplay potential that it provides. Using this page you can pressure lane way better without risking dying to enemy jungler (you just proc pr/nimbus and get out), you can use ms to juke enemy spells/reposition and continue fighting/chase down enemy/go back to safety so overall this page allows you to play more agressive without getting punished if you play aorund movement speed that it provides and it lets you get more spells in overall so the damage is still very good.
Electrocute page is still great and could be used for every game it just has a different playstyle.
I copied this phaserush runepage from another challenger Anivia OTP Berkan and I really enjoy the skill expression and outplay potential that it provides. Using this page you can pressure lane way better without risking dying to enemy jungler (you just proc pr/nimbus and get out), you can use ms to juke enemy spells/reposition and continue fighting/chase down enemy/go back to safety so overall this page allows you to play more agressive without getting punished if you play aorund movement speed that it provides and it lets you get more spells in overall so the damage is still very good.
Everfrost Build Path
First recall(s):
I always buy
Tear of the Goddess on first recall,
Dark Seal and
Boots can be postponed for
Lost Chapter or its components depending on how much gold i have on recall.
Early game:
Anivia is the slowest champion in the game so I really like getting
Sorcerer's Shoes before
Everfrost, but it's not a must. Often that early movement speed allows me to get in enemy's range and get kills that I otherwise wouldn't.
Everfrost finish + seraph/zhonya(stopwatch) + mejai(optional)
Everfrost is always the first item to finish, but then it's situational order.
At this point if I still have
Mejai's Soulstealer there is only 1 item slot left. If enemy is building magic resist I'll go for
Void Staff, if not, then it's
Rabadon's Deathcap
Mejai's Soulstealer can be sold at any point if you have no stacks to get the other item, this item has great gold return on sell that's why it's so worth to go for it in most of the games.
Item Sequence

Doran's Ring

Tear of the Goddess

Dark Seal

I always buy

Early game:
Item Sequence

Doran's Ring

Tear of the Goddess

Dark Seal

Lost Chapter

Sorcerer's Shoes
Anivia is the slowest champion in the game so I really like getting

Everfrost finish + seraph/zhonya(stopwatch) + mejai(optional)
Item Sequence


Seraph's Embrace

Zhonya's Hourglass

Mejai's Soulstealer

- If we're doing well as a team and there is no big threats from enemy I'm gonna just rush
Mejai's Soulstealer even with close to no stacks. Item has great value and crazy snowballing potential so you can buy this in almost any game unless you're forced to buy other items.
- If enemy doesn't have too much ad damage and I want
Zhonya's Hourglass just for passive to have outplay potential I'm gonna often buy
Stopwatch to just sit on it and try to finish
Seraph's Embrace.
- If enemy laner is something like
Zed or
Talon and I'm doing well, I'm gonna sit on
Tear of the Goddess and not upgrade it in order to build
Zhonya's Hourglass and
Mejai's Soulstealer first.
- If game is very slow or we're not doing too hot as a team but I don't really need
Zhonya's Hourglass anytime soon I'm gonna sit on
Dark Seal and just go for
Seraph's Embrace as my 2nd item.
Item Sequence

Rabadon's Deathcap

Void Staff
At this point if I still have

Combo examples
Here are some combo examples that you can practice (open spoilers for combo video):
Especially when running
Electrocute and
Ignite this is very strong "cheese" lvl2 combo that's often gonna catch enemy laner off guard. Of course can be used later on aswell, in any prolonged trade.
Ignite somewhere in the middle, the sooner the more damage but your enemy will realise you actually have lethal angle:
Spoiler: Click to view
Very simple combo for fast burst, use your Q and E immediately after, so they land at the same time but E still deals double damage. Useful when you just want quick burst and not let your enemy trade back.
Add one auto to proc
Phase Rush
Spoiler: Click to view
In all the combos below you also try to weave in as many autos as you can
Use your wall to block enemy path for easy Q hit when they try to go around your W.
Spoiler: Click to view
Here you use your Q, then W to block enemy path in a way so they walk into your Q.
Spoiler: Click to view
Q+W+E Advanced version
Same sequence as previous combo, but here you use your W on top of enemy to displace the champion into your Q.
Spoiler: Click to view
Here are some combos with R where you try to hit your double damage E twice in one combo:
Spoiler: Click to view
Spoiler: Click to view
Spoiler: Click to view
After finishing
Spoiler: Click to view
Spoiler: Click to view
Long combo with double Q and three double dmg E's versus tankier, slower opponent:
Spoiler: Click to view
After level 6 you can be quite creative with your spell usage and it all depends on how tanky or fast/mobile enemy is, you can practice combos i presented here, get some experience and then see what works for you.
Here is some real game combo example from my stream:
R into W to block/displace them back into ult > use E as soon as i have double damage > wait Q because enemy tries to predict Q dodge > use Q before he escapes ult > proc
Predator for extra damage and to gapclose to hit another double dmg E and kill the target
Spoiler: Click to view
Wall usage
You can use your wall to interrupt channels like
Realm Warp
Spoiler: Click to view
This is something people don't know about, but you can use your
Crystallize next to turrets to block enitre minion wave from passing. This is super useful when you don't have enough vision/info on enemy to be able to safely walk up to the middle of the lane or if enemy laner is simply too strong to match him 1v1 in lane.
Using this wall trick you can pull enemy minion wave under your tower and safely last hit without any threat from enemy. Also can be useful with breaking freezes, if enemy laner has a freeze and you cannot really do much about it just use this wall trick on 1-2 waves and that's gonna be enough to fix your lane state.
Spoiler: Click to view
Dash blocking with
Crystallize. This is definitely the hardest thing to master on
Anivia and not something you should expect to pull off when just starting to play the champion. Giving blast cone clip as this is probably the easiest cancel you can practice on. Other "easy" dash cancels that come to mind are on
Zac's and
Pantheon's dashes/jumps.
Spoiler: Click to view
Especially when running

Very simple combo for fast burst, use your Q and E immediately after, so they land at the same time but E still deals double damage. Useful when you just want quick burst and not let your enemy trade back.
Add one auto to proc

In all the combos below you also try to weave in as many autos as you can
Use your wall to block enemy path for easy Q hit when they try to go around your W.

Here you use your Q, then W to block enemy path in a way so they walk into your Q.

Q+W+E Advanced version
Same sequence as previous combo, but here you use your W on top of enemy to displace the champion into your Q.

Here are some combos with R where you try to hit your double damage E twice in one combo:



After finishing



Long combo with double Q and three double dmg E's versus tankier, slower opponent:

After level 6 you can be quite creative with your spell usage and it all depends on how tanky or fast/mobile enemy is, you can practice combos i presented here, get some experience and then see what works for you.
Here is some real game combo example from my stream:
R into W to block/displace them back into ult > use E as soon as i have double damage > wait Q because enemy tries to predict Q dodge > use Q before he escapes ult > proc

Wall usage
You can use your wall to interrupt channels like

This is something people don't know about, but you can use your

Using this wall trick you can pull enemy minion wave under your tower and safely last hit without any threat from enemy. Also can be useful with breaking freezes, if enemy laner has a freeze and you cannot really do much about it just use this wall trick on 1-2 waves and that's gonna be enough to fix your lane state.

Dash blocking with

General gameplay thoughts
Some general thoughts on my mindset and how i approach playing
Those are some generic cues for how in my opinion
Anivia fundamentally should be played, but as you get more and more experienced and know limits of the champion you can become way more flexible/agressive with your playstyle.

- If you ask me for a single thing that makes a good
Anivia player, it's patience. She has a lot of tough matchups and isn't really a full champion before level 6, although she is extremly powerful at punishing mistakes pretty much since level 2 (especially with
- Most of the time your plan for early game should be last hitting minions and waiting for enemy to walk into your range or get ganked.
Anivia has very high base damage on her
Flash Frost and
Frostbite so even a single combo can cost your enemy most of their hp. If your jungler has a stun or knockup and you can follow it up with your combo/cc chain it almost always guarantees in a kill.
Anivia is the slowest champion with no mobility so you have to be extremly careful when pushing your lane. Do it only if you have your jungler nearby or sufficient vision/knowledge where enemy jungler/support is.
- After level six you have fast waveclear with
Glacial Storm. If you get the wave quickly and enemy is stuck under his tower clearing his wave don't just midlessly try to push the tower. First look if you can make some deep vision, or help your jungler getting enemy camps or ganking a sidelane. That's why i run
Relentless Hunter in my runes. Go for plates only if there isn't anything else to do on the map and you know you're safe.
- As
Anivia you want to stay mid as long as you can because of how good your waveclear is. If your bot has to go mid it's ok to go sides to clear waves, buy never try to be a splitpusher. Most of the time you just push the waves and try to join your team. If enemy tries to siege mid you always want to be there, with your
Glacial Storm it's super hard for enemy to push towers so make sure you're there.
- In mid-late game your job is to clear waves, secure whatever your team is doing and deny what enemy team is trying to do. Your team wants to do drake/nash? Push mid wave and join them. Once you're on the objective and enemy is looking to contest you can use
Glacial Storm and
Frostbite to damage objective and
Crystallize with
Flash Frost to zone enemy from approaching at the same time.
Your team is sieging and has an engage? Be in range to follow up with cc chain/damage to kill the target.
Enemy team is trying to engage? You can use your spells to peel the target or just zone enemy backline withCrystallize and make rest of enemy team unable to join in time to turn the fight in your favor.
Those are some generic cues for how in my opinion

Situatonal Items
Here I'm gonna list all the situational items and why would I choose to buy them in game instead of my standard build.
Item Sequence![]()
Crown of the Shattered Queen
Item Sequence![]()
Liandry's Torment
Item Sequence![]()
Luden's Tempest
Other: Item Sequence![]()
Horizon Focus
Item Sequence![]()
Item Sequence![]()
Banshee's Veil
Item Sequence![]()
Demonic Embrace
Item Sequence![]()
Winter's Approach
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More to come
I hope you enjoyed this simple guide that introduces you to
Anivia's playstyle and build that I use.
For now my plan was to cover all the basics you need to know to begin your journey with this amazing champion and in near future I want to develop this into more detailed in-depth guide that Anivia players on all levels can learn from.
If you still have more questions after reading this guide or just want to watch some high elo Anivia gameplay join me on my Twitch channel where I stream almost every evening EU time!

For now my plan was to cover all the basics you need to know to begin your journey with this amazing champion and in near future I want to develop this into more detailed in-depth guide that Anivia players on all levels can learn from.
If you still have more questions after reading this guide or just want to watch some high elo Anivia gameplay join me on my Twitch channel where I stream almost every evening EU time!
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