League of Legends (LoL) Question: Evelynn Jungle starts in 5.6 (Trying to squeeze some viability out of her)

Evelynn Jungle starts in 5.6 (Trying to squeeze some viability out of her)
So I recently picked up Eve. Did some reading made a prelim build and gave her a run. My first impression? She's fully viable but takes a lot of positioning - Her only major flaw I can see is her start. She seems to be incredibly finicky for the first five levels - I was essentially wondering this.
Question: What runes/masteries do ya'll use for a fast start? Whether AD or AP just specify if ya'll don't mind -
I personally want to focus on a Hybrid build, but am mostly curious if anyone has any RECENT experiences with Eve's early jungle game that I can utilize or riff off of.
Lastly I know she's a bad pick - I want to try her out specifically for that reason. Cause it's fun to make **** like this work. More fun when you get to play off of peoples expectations.
Question: What runes/masteries do ya'll use for a fast start? Whether AD or AP just specify if ya'll don't mind -
I personally want to focus on a Hybrid build, but am mostly curious if anyone has any RECENT experiences with Eve's early jungle game that I can utilize or riff off of.
Lastly I know she's a bad pick - I want to try her out specifically for that reason. Cause it's fun to make **** like this work. More fun when you get to play off of peoples expectations.
EDIT: After that the only damaging item afterward you should get is BoRK, Tri, or Iceborne (BoRK for tanky team without a lot of damage such as naut, Tri for straight up damage, and Iceborne for a more AD team and for slows). Then you build tanky; Randuin's, Frozen Heart, and Veil/Visage should do ya good. I haven't played a lot of late game Evelynn so I might not be the best on later suggestions.