League of Legends (LoL) Question: Ezreal jungle
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Ezreal jungle
Why is ezreal jungle so popular? I get that people love to copy LCS, but the guys in LCS LOST the game why would they still spam it so mutch?
I had ezreal 5 times in my team and once in enemy and they lost all 6 games... why dont they play twitch jungle? If they want a OP adc jungle just pick him...
EDIT: Yes Im starting to see succesfull ezreal jungle especialy with duskblade, one of the best champs to punish laners that push what is a great way to get ELO in solo que (I like rammus more tho)
I had ezreal 5 times in my team and once in enemy and they lost all 6 games... why dont they play twitch jungle? If they want a OP adc jungle just pick him...
EDIT: Yes Im starting to see succesfull ezreal jungle especialy with duskblade, one of the best champs to punish laners that push what is a great way to get ELO in solo que (I like rammus more tho)
But i've seen some Ez jungle work in my games, with and against me.
i dont think he verry good for 1v1's
but was useless most of the game because I forgot trinity ;-;
Edit: After trying it I am convinced, Ezreal Jungle is the new meta guys! Accept it!
1st: Can be counter-ganked easily.
2nd: Requires some true skill to return from behind especially if you are playing Ezreal.
3rd: Contrary to what some brainless people tell you, Ezreal is a high skill cap champion because he is fully skill shot reliant. If you also see some brainless people tell you that Riven is an easy champion to play then don't listen to them.
4th: Land your ult in style kids and pop that LV7 mastery.
5th: Being good with Ezreal is about knowing when you are strong, knowing how you scale in the early-mid-late game with the lead you have and some true skill in landing those skillshots consistently. A tip from me, you can measure that based on how much damage your Q is dealing to the enemy team, if you are ahead with 3 kills and their adc doesn't have kills....Let's see if you go tri-path you should deal some badass dmg and if you go icebound for the freeze you might take more than a quarter or half of their hp in one shot. Landing 3 shots on a carry means he is done for.
I noticed that he is decent in counterganking but thats actualy it (my expirience)
See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6SHGBHCJIc