Commonly nocturnes are very bad,but when they ult u cannot see a thing, which makes you a worser teamfighter, banshee can help.U can oneshot him in late game.
Very annoying as any tank, respect and ult only after him, that the only way to win.
Not a very big problem, but respect,u can one shot if u fed or late game
Stuns, ult, one shots from her.She s annoying,but more then playable,u are way better teamfighter.When they started to build bruisers and stop build into assassins is very hard one match up,better ban.
He is okay,mb even easy in early, in mid game you should give him all cc u have if u wanna one shot him.In late game ur a better teamfighter,1 v 1 u will kill him only if u land ur ult from no vision.Oh, he can one shot u with 3-4 slots.
Respect her, very scary in late game or if fed,but u are scarier,u can one shot her.
Very difficult one match up,try scaling.
Can be a threat only later on,u can oneshot him in late game if he red, and from mid game if he s blue.
Commonly he is not a threat at all,focus on the ones he helps.
Oh my his damage,annoying but there is no more, u can oneshot him at all phases of game,focus him if he is good or fed.
After they stopped buying jaksho they are not a threat anymore.Just dont 1 v 1 her without ult.
Very annoying better dodge or ban.
Lee Sin
Well, early game its his time to shine, late - urs.
Nunu & Willump
He is spam ganking,just ask ur allies not to push untill 8-10th minute and the game is easy to win.
Well, he is annoying, u want to rush banshee against him,respect him and kill him the first, than run away, be sure u get the camp to heal, near by, to survive his ult.
Master Yi
If your team will feed him, wait for his pentas, if they will respect his greedy and wont feed him, he is not a threat at all.
He is very strong and u wanna rush banshee or jonyas against him, he has lots of damage and easily oneshots you, also his ult can spot u or ur effigy in fow.To escape that u need banshee.
Be careful,buy zhonya,the one who land your ult first will win 1 v 1.
Dont really like this guy, but he wont bring much trouble,he has stun.You can one shot him,if u ll gave full cast.
Well, have not seen her for a while.
Jarvan IV
Have not seen him this season.
Well,you wanna preoritise her always,cause of her ult,kinda skill match up,she is stronger 1 v 1,u can one shot her if put all urs cc.
Very annoying for you, ur teammates,tanky, good ganks,idk what to do against him really,play with ur team idk.
She is fast as fuck and broken in late game,try early pressure, u should be stronger.
She is tanky, but thats all,have cc.
Very hard match up,try scaling or ban her,ult after her ult,play around your team.
Good set up-she is tanky,and nice cc ult.
Ur 2 ults are commonly the deadly one combo
Miss Fortune
U two can wipe the whole team,if there will be a chance.U better start first.
U can destroy ur enemies easy.Just wait for her move.
Wow bruh.
Good set up-she is tanky,and nice cc ult.
Ur 2 ults are commonly the deadly one combo
Miss Fortune
U two can wipe the whole team,if there will be a chance.U better start first.
U can destroy ur enemies easy.Just wait for her move.
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