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Briar Build Guide by Riceyboll

Top Feed The Sanguine Hunger | Briar Top Guide

Top Feed The Sanguine Hunger | Briar Top Guide

Updated on March 10, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Riceyboll Build Guide By Riceyboll 25 6 83,624 Views 0 Comments
25 6 83,624 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Riceyboll Briar Build Guide By Riceyboll Updated on March 10, 2024
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Runes: Conqueror + Resolve

1 2 3
Legend: Bloodline
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


Ignite + TP
LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Feed The Sanguine Hunger | Briar Top Guide

By Riceyboll

Hello, I am Riceybol a toplane enthusiast, Thresh top and Briar main.

I found Briar's kit to be really interesting and suitable for toplane, but she is really different compared to champs I've played before. It's really important to learn the use of her W, as to not kill yourself accidentally, same with her ultimate.

But anyway, let's get into it.
(There might be some parts of the guide that aren't up to date, I tried my best to update everything. I'll add more stuff when I get some time


x Unique playstile
x Her gameplay is really fun and her skill seiling is relatively high
x Resourceless, meaning that you don't have to worry about mana
x Strong scaling


x Hard to learn & master
x Risky pick
x No passive health regen
x Earlygame sucks
x Team can get mad if you pick her on top

All the runes you see on the pictures can be picked for Briar, you can mix and match the runes to your tastes or depending on your matchup.
Overheal can be a viable option, but I haven't gotten any real use of it, so I won't be recommending it.
Mix and match all the runes as you see fit. The best keystone for Briar is n my opinion Lethal Tempo

Passive: Crimson Curse

Briar’s attacks apply a bleed for 5 seconds (stacks up to 9 times) that deals physical damage, depending on the stacks, and she heals for 25% of the pre-mitigation damage.
Briar gains 0-50% increased healing depending on her missing health. She has 0 health regeneration and all her abilities cost 6% current health to cast.

Q Ability: Head Rush

When casted Briar leaps onto a target, stunning them for, it also reduces the enemys armor for 5 seconds (10-26% armor reduction at max level)

W Ability: Blood Frenzy

When casted briar leaps (can be used to get over walls) into an uncontrollable frenzy for 5 seconds (prioritizing champions, unless you use Q on a minion)
While in frenzied Briar gains attack speed, 24-60% movement speed and 60-100% AD (at max level) Physical damage also deals damage to surrounding targets (Can be compared to something like Ravenous Hydra)

If recasted briar chomps her target dealing some extra damage, She also heal for 35-60% of the damage dealt

E Ability: Chilling Scream

Once you start casting this Briar gains 35% damage reduction and she heals 2.25-3.25% max health(If you activate her E while frenzied, the effect will stop immedietly)

Once the scream is released it will deal 80- 220 magic damage (+100% of ability power) depending on time charged, and it slows by 80% for 0.5 seconds.
When fully charged, the scream knocks back enemies, dealing alot of damage to enemies who hit a wall and it stunns them for 1.5 seconds.

Ultimate Ability: Certain Death

When activated Briar shoots a gemstone arrow thing and if it his an enemy champion Briar will be forced to charge at them.
If it lands, she deals 150-500 physical damage(+110% of ability power)(+1.1 per bonus attack damage) to everything nearby and causes enemies who are not her targer to flee for 1.5 seconds.

Then Briar enters into an empowered Blood Frenzy and will pursue her prey until death.(This can be cancelled with her E) During this time, she gains bonus armor and magic resist equal to 20% of her AD, 10-20% life steal and an additional 10-30% movement speed.

Briar is a really fun champion to play and I've had such a good time learning to play her. She will most likely turn into one of my most played champs and I hope you have fun playing as her too!

Hopefully you enjoyed this guide, I will continue to update it when I feel like it
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Riceyboll
Riceyboll Briar Guide
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Feed The Sanguine Hunger | Briar Top Guide

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