League of Legends (LoL) Question: Fiddlesticks Top
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Spirit Visage

Fiddlesticks Top
So I've seen this build emerging where you'd run
Aftershock on
Fiddlesticks, play him top, and build him as a tank. It's actually been working decently great for me. For those who don't know, you'd go
Frozen Heart, boots (defensive),
Spirit Visage,
Zhonya's Hourglass and an additional two tank items (like
Randuin's Omen against crit etc.)
I was wondering if this build was really viable- it's not been like I'm winning all the matches and I lose sometimes in lane especially against AP threats. Is this build troll or does it have potential/worth building? And then comes my next question, against AP threats like teemo, would you get
Spirit Visage first? Rushing
Frozen Heart has been GREAT in the few Ranked Games I've played because of how much defense and sustain it provides. You can just perma-W and heal back from any negative trade.

I was wondering if this build was really viable- it's not been like I'm winning all the matches and I lose sometimes in lane especially against AP threats. Is this build troll or does it have potential/worth building? And then comes my next question, against AP threats like teemo, would you get