League of Legends (LoL) Question: Fiddlesticks's passive trinket and Ingenious Hunter
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Fiddlesticks's passive trinket and Ingenious Hunter
So i have played several games with fiddlesticks using Ingenious Hunter rune and i saw that the trinket's (scarecrow effigy) cooldown doesn't go below 30 seconds at level 18 (even with 5 stacks), same cooldown as when i use Ultimate Hunter rune. A lot of guides i saw have ingenious hunter, as an alternative to Ultimate Hunter rune, claiming it reduces trinkets cooldown, but what's the point if the rune doesn't work as it should? Is ingenious hunter bugged on fiddlesticks passive?
Yes i already reported the bug. The deal here is that i believe it's a bug, but since everyone on guides talks about it as it working fine, i wonder if i was alone on this and if i am what am i missing.