League of Legends (LoL) Question: Fiora or Vi?
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Fiora or Vi?
Asked by TudorOstrich on February 26, 2015
I am nearly at 6300 ip, and want to know which champ would be better for me. Fiora or Vi.
I enjoy being a tank, but I also love to dish out huge damage and get lots of kills.
Some of my favorites now are Darius and Vladimir, because of that.
So which one?
I enjoy being a tank, but I also love to dish out huge damage and get lots of kills.
Some of my favorites now are Darius and Vladimir, because of that.
So which one?
Answers (5)

Vi fits your description better than Fiora. Vi is also more optimal ranked wise (imo)

Agree, with the general feel, Fiora is an 'okay' top laner that brings no strong utility to the team, Vi is able to be a high-damage tank(Especially if she lands fully charged vault breakers) that still brings a hefty chunk of CC and Armour shred to the team when behind some.

It depends on what you plan to do with them. While being able to do both, Fiora is more of a top laner, and vi is a strong jungler. Vi lacks the poke to reliably and comfortably match up against the usual top laners, most of which have a pretty solid method of either a burst combo or a ranged poke. Albeit she has a gap closer, she is still a far better jungler than top laner. Fiora is more capable in the jungle than Vi is top lane, albeit she lacks any form of kit CC and struggles with ganking. Riposte's active as well as burst of speed gives her decent clear, but she chugs health pots until around 5-7. Top lane, fiora can duel very well, as well as carrying hard when fed due to her chasedown potential and teamfight ultimate. Vi is also a hard carry pick, but her job lies in assassinating the carries - her ulti deals 75% damage to all in the path of her target, meaning you hammer most of their team while diving the carry. Vi can chase just as well as fiora, and landing her Q kicks the champion hit up for a moment, allowing allies with harder CC to catch up. All in all, it really depends what you plan to use them for - Fiora in top lane, Vi in the jungle.

i just bought Vi bc she is the strongest jungler on this patch and fiora falls off if the opponent team has hard CC

I would say vi just because shes actually viable (no pun intended :). Fiora has some good single target burst but has no cc and doesn't really add a lot to a team. A hard cc tank would be better. As for vi she can go full tank and still do enough damage to insta-shutdown a carry and has an excellent engage. If you really want fiora thats fine but Vi is just a better pick (not for top of course if you want top better go fi) Vi is a strong and safe pick right now and is a great soloq champion and she's also a ton of fun!
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