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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Fiora state

Tags: Fiora 3,204

  • TheRuller

    Fiora state

    I see that people still build fiora tank but isnt tank fiora kind of dead?The items,masteries and damage for tank have been nerfed.Shouldnt she be build something like a glass cannon now or is the tank build still good but in a balanced state what is better?
  • Answers (2)

    Hopesedge (8) | May 1, 2016 3:29pm
    Tank Fiora can work since she has a much higher likelihood of activating her ultimate in fights which could be crucial. In another way bruiser or dps fiora could be needed if the ultimate is easier to proc via outright killing the ulted opponent. It's hard to say which is best since it varies based on what you're against.
    DisturbedFox (62) | May 3, 2016 5:20am
    Not top tier but can be good if the player invests time into learning her. Typical build is Hydra into Cleaver into full tank, she deals plenty of damage with that. Full glass cannon won't work as she would just get bodied by tanks even harder
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