Easy Matchup, can Q into his Q1 so it does no damage, can also E his Q3 or Q out of his Q3-Q2, etc.
Free Food
Easy lane if you play agressive but she will outscale
blocks your Q with her W, is a lane bully, does alot of damage while building tank.
Lane is playable and you can win early levels, but he will giga outscale, he can also lane bully and statcheck with lethal tempo so you have to play short trades.
She outscales but lane is very easy, zone her out of minions so she doesn't Q.
It's very hard on AP and it's even harder when building on-hit because you can't interact with her when she shrouds and your E won't do enough damage while she shrouds.
You don't see Lillia top these days but it can go either way, she is a great lane bully into you but at the same time you can Q into her so that you're in the middle and her Q doesn't do damage, you can also E her W, you cannot E her R however. If you go for short trades with PTA and play in a non-interactive way you can win. She will get prio early.
You have to respect his early, don't longtrade at all and don't let him stack bleeds. you can Q when he Q's and then he does no damage, go for short trades and leave, keep going until he's low enough for an all in.
Don't let him pull you, make sure you have E saved for that or else he will stack bleeds and start using ghost to cheese you.
Favored towards you. Take second-wind and dorans shield. proc PTA whenever seems feasible. Save your E for his slow Q or when he's about to jump and become mega or for his mega stuns. He's tower dive-able if you play right. Don't fight him on mega unless he's super low or you have botrk. He will have prio early because of range advantage but you can still go for trades, try to trim wave.
He just gets perma prio, just go for short trades with PTA and leave, then ask jungler to come, it's hard, he outscales also.
You lose when he has ult, you win when he doesn't. You can Q to dodge his Q or E to dodge it, same with his pull. Go for short trades since he has conqueror and passive he will want long trades but you have the tools to disengage.
You can cheese him early with PTA.
It gets annoying after he gets some items. Before that you have a playable lane but it just gets un-interactive as time goes on with his passive healing and waveclear on his E.
He can't really fight you unless you allow him to. Respect his ult. with PTA can just go in and go out easily. Early game you can bully him. After he gets tanky you don't really want to fight him. Just shove wave and flank enemy team.
Don't tank her ult under any circumstances. You beat her early, you can even beat her late but you just have to avoid her ult and ignite her to stop her healing, can build anti heal.
You can bully her in laning phase pre-6, then be cautious of her ult unless she's very low and u know you kill her in 1 rotation.
Go low E-con, build iceborn to help setup ganks.
He lane bullies you and zones you off of cs, go for a low E-con build so ur not useless for your team.
You can go in and go out, he just gets tanky and will take no damage, but you have the tools to avoid his damage. Can go bami's cinder to help with waveclear especially late game where you need to ignore him and shove wave.
You should be bullying him in lane.
you have Q and E to dodge his Q, you can E before his silence. If he builds full ap it's free food just have 1 mr item. If he builds tanky botrk will do the heavy lifting. But if he has a-lot of stacks it'll be hard to hurt him if he's fed somehow.
honestly just go classic full ap with electrocute for this matchup. If you go ad/onhit you will lose. If you go AP you can win and bully him. If he goes tanky it's tricky to hurt him but you have a chance in the early game to get the upper hand.
He will get perma prio and almost always beat you unless he wastes awaken, but the good part is that you can force him to push wave with R and then E away and you're fine.
They're so good together
Renata Glasc
very good
Great for picks
she can help block the dash champs like yone or irelia for late game teamfights
They're so good together
Renata Glasc
very good
Great for picks
she can help block the dash champs like yone or irelia for late game teamfights
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