League of Legends (LoL) Question: Flat HP and attack spped marks on Ashe?
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Flat HP and attack spped marks on Ashe?
Hey I just saw Phreaks recommendations for runes. He said attack speed quints, attack speed marks, attack speed glyph and flat HP seals are the best on her statistically. Assuming that the enemy isn't really troublesome like
Zyra, do you think the set-up works in some cases? 34% attack speed sounds really interesting but I haven't had the time to play test. And is flat HP really an alternative to armor?

Edit: I just watched the video and I recommend completely disregarding it, he's basing his arguments on win rates when the win rates have such tiny sample sizes that they're just not accurate. The best runes are the most used ones so tend to have the most accurate win rates (which trends to as close to 50% as possible), while worse runes are least popular so tend to have more extreme win rates, so they commonly have win rates like 55+%, even higher than 60% sometimes, so he argues that makes them "statistically better" than the meta even though you can't take **** from such a small sample size.
He even ***** on his own argument when he says AS marks are statistically better than AD marks on Lucian and Ezreal, but they "feel weird" so he rules them out as "statistical noise", so he overrides the statistics and recommends AD marks.
He fails to realize that basically every single one of his "statistically better" runes is just "statistical noise". I've experimented with his recommended full AS marks for
If you do care about statistics anyway, use this site as a reference.
Check the runes tab: "Statistical noise" still applies, but it only shows rune pages that have a certain minimum games played, so the results are a lot less extreme than if you're trying to take the statistics of a rune page that uses flat HP (which no one uses so the result of that is gonna be inaccurate as ****).
Besides that, most of what Ekki said about the attack speed runes is pretty accurate! The only thing I don't agree on is the idea that more than 4-5 attack speed glyphs is overkill. Ashe can, for one, use her attack speed to kite better with a mix of her
Back on OT. Flat HP is an alternative because it also protects against magic damage (since you're not using MR glyphs). Flat HP seals suck though, they're too expensive and only worth it before level 6. After level 6 the scaling HP runes give better stats.
Attack speed glyphs seem to be decent, but not getting any MR via runes seems way too risky. I've used the 3 attsp glyphs + 6 mr glyphs setup for most of my adc pages, but going for more than 4-5 attsp glyphs seems like overkill in an inmobile adc like
Lastly, lots of attack speed might be somewhat optimal on her because of the on-hit multiplier from
As for
Also, if what LuxTheGreyWarden said is true, this was just a high win % rune page. Those stats are skewed in favour of whatever the players with the highest win % build, which doesn't always align with the actual "most optimal" rune page being used.