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Recommended Items
Runes: Precision
+8 Ability Haste
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Pyke is dangerous due to his hook and stun. He can also pull you in egg-form, dragging you away from an otherwise safe spot.
A CC-heavy combo that dishes out tons of damage, while not being that bad in the early game. The zone control this duo have is honestly disgusting.
A CC-heavy combo that dishes out tons of damage, while not being that bad in the early game. The zone control this duo have is honestly disgusting.
Champion Build Guide

Pro's and Con's

Secondary Trees

Starter Items

First Back

Core Items

Your first item should be

When it comes to boots, unless you need situational boots,

The last core item is

Also keep one or two

Situational Items

If your team already has enough damage, consider upgrading your support item into

If you are the only AP champion on your team,

Other Items

Once you have an almost full build, buy


Going to lane



You should try to limit the times you use it to when you can proc manaflow band. Not to say that you shouldn't use it, but rather to be mindful of the mana cost.




Your Wall

Use it to stop people from running away.

Fleeing from ganks

Helping your jungler during a gank


Keep poking

Warding your lane

Deep Wards

Control Wards

Warding Objectives

An alternative is to place a

Avoid Facechecking
If your Arcane Comet is fired into the bush, someone is in there. If not, just deactivate it to save mana.

When to roam?

The scuttle crab

Jungle skirmishes


Note: Even though

Helping other lanes

Helping your team



Your Q

Protecting your ADC

Clearing waves

Ending the game

Blocking off areas with your ult

R > W > Q Combo

Your ult gets cancelled by CC

Deactivating R for extra damage

Checking bushes with R and Q

If your

Stunning champions with spellshield

Notes: The guide may be lacking a few video's / gifs. They will be there once I get them. Also, the threats and synergi section will have more champions added as I remember who is good with Anivia and who is dangerous for her.
Thanks for reading my guide!
And a special thanks to Jovy for the lovely banners!
Item set:

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